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Member postings for Richard Taylor 16

Here is a list of all the postings Richard Taylor 16 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Which Chester mini lathe/mill is this?
13/05/2020 22:50:06

just wondering if any one might by any chance still have the cog set for this machine

13/05/2020 22:47:59
Posted by Ketan Swali on 04/05/2020 13:53:58:


Do you mean C1-131 from this page?:


Ketan at ARC.


Edited By Richard Taylor 16 on 13/05/2020 22:48:55

07/05/2020 16:45:05
Posted by Ketan Swali on 04/05/2020 13:55:55:

Or do you mean C2-29 from this page?:


Ketan at ARC.

now this one seems to fit but very tight and have issues with the cog set the one at top chuck end the cog seems to be lifting off the bearing so I would say this belt is a no shame as it's what the manual specs for it will keep looking unless anyone has a suggestion

07/05/2020 16:40:09
Posted by Ketan Swali on 04/05/2020 13:53:58:


Do you mean C1-131 from this page?:


Ketan at ARC.

this belt seems to be working ok

04/05/2020 14:12:51
Posted by Ketan Swali on 04/05/2020 13:53:58:


Do you mean C1-131 from this page?:


Ketan at ARC.

this one yes according to manual should be the correct spec so will see as your showing concerns it may not fit but as I'm going by what the manual says I can only try

04/05/2020 13:43:48
Posted by Ketan Swali on 04/05/2020 13:36:44:

Hi Richard,

The machine you have started off as a Harbor Freight model.

It isn't based on a C0 or C1, and it was not made by a factory under the SIEG umbrella. So, I am not sure if the C0 or C1 belt will work for you. If I recall, it was close to a C0 in size, rather than the C1.

Ketan at ARC.

Hi Ketan thanks for the update looking in the manual the C1-121 belt is correct spec spoke to a supplier he can do the C2 belt which almost the same its 9mm wide as opposed to 10mm and for around £15 for the pair it's worth a try once arrived will check and post the outcome


04/05/2020 11:51:48
Posted by Colin LLoyd on 04/05/2020 11:00:39:

Sorry - should have added - it's a pdf coy of the manual.

greatly appreciated Colin got that thanks

04/05/2020 11:17:08
Posted by Colin LLoyd on 04/05/2020 11:00:39:

Sorry - should have added - it's a pdf coy of the manual.

Hi Colin not sure how to attach it but would be grateful if you could email to me [email protected] many thanks

Thread: new member hertford
03/05/2020 18:58:45
Posted by henryb on 03/05/2020 17:44:18:

I used to live in Hoddesdon but moved to Thurrock Essex about 10 years ago. I still come back to have a walk around Hertford And hartham common, Very beautiful place. They do courses in turnford college for model engineering. And you have got glr kennions supplies in roydon.

turnford college is a good idea and I will give glr kennions a look up as it's not that far from hoddesdon thanks

03/05/2020 18:56:40
Posted by Neil Wyatt on 03/05/2020 17:30:06:

Hello Richard,

Well the obvious challenge for you is to build your own IC engines!

That said steam engines are more forgiving of minor errors and might be a good place to develop your skills and tackle a more demanding IC engine as a second or third project.


I think I'm along way off from building engines need to learn how to use a lathe and milling 1st but never say never and maybe one in the future

Thread: Which Chester mini lathe/mill is this?
03/05/2020 18:46:01

ok Neil will have search and yes it us an old lathe but would be a shame to scrap it as seems to have had little use and in very clean condition and a great starting point to learn about using a lathe and I'm very limited on space just a shame they used an odd size belt and pitch in it as a last resort I can get a belt from usa with shipping for around £25 which starting to look that way.As above from previous post a suggestion was a C1 belt will work so trying that option 1st

Thread: new member hertford
03/05/2020 09:41:40

Hi thanks for letting me join I'm interested in IC power boats but looking to learn on how to use a lathe so looking forward to the wealth of knowledge from this forum

Thread: Which Chester mini lathe/mill is this?
03/05/2020 09:18:15

Hi I've just picked up one of these looking for some help trying to find a manual for it unfortunately the link above doesn't seem to work anymore and also looking to find a set of belts again might be an interesting challenge reading the above posts I know this is an old post but it's worth a try thanks in advance for any help/info

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