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Member postings for Steviegtr

Here is a list of all the postings Steviegtr has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Chinese diesel heater
05/01/2023 17:14:21
Posted by Dave Halford on 05/01/2023 16:58:57:
Posted by Steviegtr on 05/01/2023 16:31:45:

There seems to be some porky's going on.

Just been on Vevor .com website. This is cut & paste through notepad direct from there site.

Diesel Vehicles & Indoor Use The bus heater is commonly applied for cab heating of various diesel vehicles, such as cars, RVs, buses, vans, trucks, boats, etc. It is also suitable for homes, warehouses, factories, offices, and other indoor uses.


There's more than 40 of them, which version is yours? Given you can't trust the paint colours.

Come to that one of them shows the heater outlet inches away from a sleeping child in a car seat and I don't believe for one minute anyone would take that sales pitch seriously.

You have to click the right photo arrow once to see that one

Edited By Dave Halford on 05/01/2023 17:00:12

Hi Dave. The actual burner seems to be in only 2 sizes. The small bodied 2Kw & the badged 5-8KWSome as you will have seen are self contained with the fuel tank sat on top of the burner unit on a tin shelf. I have the open separate one. It is not a Vevor but basically they are much the same. A copy of an Eberspacher or webasto. It is a bit ironic the the Vevor pdf file says not suitable for buildings & then on there website it says they are. Not sure if there are some sort of get out clause in there. Some of the sellers show flames belching out of the front of them Others pics like the one you describe.

What i do find a shame is that basically talking of buying inferior Chinese products , when most or a large proportion of Forum members own Chinese mills & lathes & drill presses &. You see the point. Most electrical items are now produced there. Even some of the Branded items we think are worth the extra for are not made here any more. The UK has become a Distribution centre & commerce.


Edited By Steviegtr on 05/01/2023 17:19:05

05/01/2023 16:31:45

There seems to be some porky's going on.

Just been on Vevor .com website. This is cut & paste through notepad direct from there site.

Diesel Vehicles & Indoor Use The bus heater is commonly applied for cab heating of various diesel vehicles, such as cars, RVs, buses, vans, trucks, boats, etc. It is also suitable for homes, warehouses, factories, offices, and other indoor uses.
05/01/2023 02:55:09

I guess it would not be a good idea to post a video of me ripping out an old Baxi central heating boiler behind the fireplace & replacing it with this. Did this 3 years ago. Full install self done . Gas approved connection


for model eng pics1.jpg

05/01/2023 02:07:16
Posted by Robert Atkinson 2 on 04/01/2023 18:49:15:


I do not know the details of Steves building e.g. proximity to boundaries, other buildings and type construction. Regardless of other aspects and examples the fundamental basis for application of building regulations is if it is a habitable space. It's down to the building inspector in the end.

There is a separate requirement for a metallic tray if a hearth is not used. see part J 4.25

The exhaust of these heaters certainly gets well over 100 deg C. there is a requirement for liners where any part of the wall being penetrated by a flue is not non-combustible. The wall appears to be lined with a melamine faced particle board or similar. The video still shows no liner.
I try to work to the INTENT of the regulations, not look for loopholes.

Finally and NEW INFORMATION, the Vevor manual here says on page 3 under that the heater CANNOT BE APPLIED in "living room, garage, home" etc. It amkes it claear that it is intended for use in vehicles. A device for use in vehicles should be UNECE "E" marked not CE or UKCA
And that is the self contained version! This component version manual has similar limitations

So THE MAKERS SAY IT IS NOT SUITABLE for heating garages and workshops.

Robert G8RPI

Congratulations Robert. You got a mention on youtube. Well not really but folk may sus it was you. I really do not know where you are getting your information from. No honestly. I also take it you will not be fitting one to your workshop if you have one.

If I had asked the question . Thinking of fitting a Chinese diesel heater to my £100,000 Fairline Targa 34 boat, I wonder what your response would have been Maybe. You cannot do that it's made from glass fibre. The tank needs to be outside on a ??? pontoon. Haha. Just kidding Rob G8RPI. I love your comments. They make my day. Keep up the wonderful work you do. You keep many entertained. I am your No1 fan. Edit. I have just read your post. It appears to be a melamine face. Haha. Haha. It is steel sheeting none combustible fireproof, explosion proof,(not quite). The joins also have an Intermescent strip at each connection. You need to watch more of my vids. Look at the building of an insulated garage i did. This will educate you.. From oversite to concrete construction. Yes with 2 layers of steel reinforcing. Then erecting the structure. Have a look it's free. 

Steve M7DOZ

Edited By Steviegtr on 05/01/2023 02:17:59

Thread: Coughs and colds
05/01/2023 01:55:10

By a big bottle of Brandy or whatever your tipple is. You won't care about the cold.

P.S i have many colds a year. But have never had flu in my lifetime ,,strange but true. In fact never had much apart from a Heart attack in 2012 & cancer in 2008. Doh.


Thread: Chinese diesel heater
04/01/2023 03:48:12

Sorry guys & gals but i did not intend to insult anyone in particular. But we all know what trolls are & unfortunately as many forums. This one has a few.


04/01/2023 03:27:05
Posted by Robert Atkinson 2 on 03/01/2023 15:47:23:
Posted by Jelly on 03/01/2023 10:50:16:
Posted by Robert Atkinson 2 on 03/01/2023 09:19:14:

It is also worrying that the fuel flow rate can be adjusted by the user. As the fan appears to be fixed speed this will affect the mixure and thus emissions and possibly excessive internal temperaures. It's ilke changing the burner jet size on a gas heater.

I'm not sure I follow your logic.

The blown air is going around the outside of the heat exchanger, so increasing output air temperature would necessarily require the thermal input to increase relative to air flow.

The combustion air appears to be supplied via venturi effect around a high velocity atomising burner nozzle, which is presumably designed to self regulate in the 0.5Hz to 8.0Hz parameter space which the control unit will permit.

That said the fuel flow rate doesn't appear to be "adjusted by the user" but is buried in an installer mode to allow the thermal output to be matched to demand at setup, so that when the user tries to regulate with the normal controls it actually works effectively; This is entirely similar to other heating appliances.

You make a reasonable point about insurance, although I have not found mine to be particularly squeamish about me storing acetylene bottles or having a propane direct fired heater, both confirmed in writing. I am pretty confident that if I rung up and notified them I was using an indirect oil fired heater instead they wouldn't have further questions.

The outbuildings are only covered for £2000 (each) in fire or structural scenarios, but more for theft.

The underwriter has previously explained to my insurance agent that they are not really arsed what I do in outbuildings which are neither connected or proximate to the main house, because their exposure is limited.

I did have to do a lot of ringing about to get an insurer who would let me store acetylene tanks, and give a diagram of the property and further details.

Edited By Jelly on 03/01/2023 10:50:35

Edited By Jelly on 03/01/2023 10:51:16

The fan motor drivess two impellers. One for the heated air outside the combustion chamber and one inside the combustion chamber to provide air for combustion.
Going into protected settings and changing them with reference to a combustion analyser for example is bound to invalidate any approvel. Not that these things conform to any standards in the first place....

Well lets stick 6 peneth of comment into this. The big problem is that some folk with little knowledge of anything , but think they are the Oracle or Cefax of old . Basically post absolute rubbish in the hope that others will think this guy is a GOD. Unfortunately some are actually in a nursing home or institution probably deprived of there medication due to staff shortages. & spend there days trolling through the internet for information to back this up. If i want to know anything then i look at the internet which usually takes me to a youtube channel, where i can gain knowledge of said subject.

I decided to fit a diesel heater to my workshop to lessen the outgoing cost of the ever rising electricity. The above comments are the result of this. A wonderful source of information is the model engineering forum . Which is full of knowledge.

Unfortunately there are just a few members that are hell bent on criticising others which is in my mind a bad thing for the forum. Let me explain.

A bad installation Steve. A fire hazard waiting to happen. No fuse in the power supply (Doh) no heatproof on the exhaust, A exhaust through a wall with no protection. Too long pipework. Ingress & egress no forget that one.

Have you contacted your insurance company to check if it is ok. Building regs. Steel tank outside in a bund wall with a meltable solder joint to cut off supply in event of a fire.

Your CE markings are fake. Yours lying about your figures. It seems just a few members have so much knowledge that i expect one day there heads will sell combust.

You take anything on the internet & believe it. I could go on all night . But all these comments are coming from a very few members. I get a lot of P/M messages saying ignore the idiots. Which i usually do. Many people have asked me for a link to the night heater. So there is plenty of interest in this subject. I am not sure why some members on this forum want to think they are some kind of god or crop sprayer etc. or have a parrafin heater called an Alladin.

There are many that actually have these heaters fitted but do not dare comment due to the few belittling them,.

This is a sad state of affairs.

P.S they are very efficient & frugal. So far the workshop has not burned down. A Nuclear explosion has not gone off so that is a +


Edited By Steviegtr on 04/01/2023 03:33:37

04/01/2023 02:42:58

I posted this a while ago.


Thread: Micrometer Question
03/01/2023 23:55:41
Posted by Hopper on 03/01/2023 23:43:21:

Whatever you do don't use force of any kind! Too lovely of an instrument to be ruined by that.

First thing I would focus on would be that locking ring mechanism. There is usually a tapered sleeve or similar in there than that can jam up if left in the locked position for eons. I would try WD40 in there and work it gently back and forth. Everyone has their favourite releasing fluid, but I find WD40 contains a good solvent that gets rid of most gummed up oil etc, and it lubricates as well, which some releasing fluids don't.

Otherwise I would stand it upright and try drizzling a bit of WD40 etc down the sleeve for a few days, and see if that helps. If not, complete submersion in something similar might be in order. If that does not work, find someone with an ultrasound tank and put it in there for a bit. Gunsmiths and instrument shops often have such tanks.

Maybe try emailing Starrett in the USA? Or try one of the websites for forums for Starrett collectors.

Edited By Hopper on 03/01/2023 23:46:39

Edited By Hopper on 03/01/2023 23:48:24

Here Here. good idea Hopper. Plus gas is superb at releasing stuck parts. Readily available in the UK.


03/01/2023 23:29:41
Posted by Justin Thyme on 03/01/2023 23:25:56:

thanks for the replies but they don't really address my problem. Part 'A' in my picture (Coarse Thimble Assembly) does not move in relation to Part 'B' ( Fine Thimble Assembly)

This is potentially a nice little tool and I don't want to start trying to force anything with vices, pliers and hammers. Not even sure if I should be trying to get a bit of thin oil between the stuck bit.

I know this is clutching at straws but is the anvil locked on the knurled screw on the u part . Sorry if a stupid Q&A

03/01/2023 22:29:03

When i saw this thread I thought i had one. But it is different & not Starrett. It is a Moore & wright ModelDR961.

I think it works the same though. Anyone know.




Thread: Chinese diesel heater
03/01/2023 12:40:30
Posted by mgnbuk on 03/01/2023 11:43:03:

As the fan appears to be fixed speed

Not so - the fan speed varies & the pump cycle rate also varies, getting faster as the fan speed rises.

At start up, the fan runs slowly & after the glow pin heat-up delay, the pumps starts ticking slowly. When the heat exchanger temperature sensor detects that a flame has been established, the glow plug turns off and the fan & pump speed is increased slowly until the unit is running flat out. If operating to a room temperature setpoint, as the room temeperature is approached the fan & pump slow down to reduce heat output - including shutting down completely (another cycle, which involves re-heating the glow plug after stopping the pump to ensure all fuel inside the heater is burned off, then continuing to run the fan until the heat exchanger has cooled down). My Chinese "garage heater" does not appear to operate any differently than the Webasto unit fitted as standard to a previous motorhome in this regard.

I suggest Stevie has a further look at the duct work, which appears to fall way short of the recommended solutions Webasto & Eberspacher detail in their documentation - I would expect the restrictions impostedby the current convoluted ducting applied to both inlet & outlet of the heater will be reducing performance. Chinese heater documentation is rather lacking in this regard !

I suspect that those looking for approvals etc. for these vehicle heaters to be installed as building heaters will look in vain. But as vehicle heaters they appear to have a long track record of safe, economical operation when installed and operated correctly - no reason I can see that one could not do the same in a fixed environment. Carefully installed, I would rather have one of these than an open flame, exhausting-into-the-workspace "torpedo" heater, which would come with "approvals" !

Nigel B.

Hello Nigel. As for pipe lengths. I had a Fairline targa 34 foot motor Yacht fitted with Eberspacher unit. The pipework ran all over to each bedrooom. 1 being at the very front of the boat. 1 in the rear bedroom . 1 In the Galley & 1 outlet at the helm. Much more length of run than my 3 metre. It was factory fitted when new & ran perfectly. I had a few comments from Robert so I rechecked everything.

The fuse was still in the spur that fed the power supply. It had a 5 written on it ???. The heatproof wrap around the exhaust had not fallen off & the steel tube i fitted through the wall was still there. Maybe he watched the wrong video or skipped the boring parts, which was most of it to anyone not wanting etc.

My unit operates as per the eber & the webasto

Fan speed changes exactly as you say to suit the temperature of the heat exchanger unit. Which on the lowest pulse i have slowed slightly.

HNY Steve.

03/01/2023 00:21:34

I think i know how to alter the heat settings now , after looking on the Hcalory site & having a good read of the comprehensive manual that came with it. The defaul factory setting for the diesel heaters is min 1.4 Hz Max 5.4Hz.

The heater & i assume all you guys that have then can do the same has an engineering mode, I believe most of them have the same code. press the ok button until a lock appears. then enter 1688 just do one digit then ok to the next digit etc.

In there is all the settings. The low limit for the pump is 0.8Hz. The high limit is 8.0Hz. Then there is min & max fan speed etc. Even the 12/24v selection. So i turned my low down to 0.8HZ & raised the upper to 5.8Hz . No need really for the upper but for me the low will be better as last night even on the lowest setting my room temp kept rising.

So hopeful I will have a better control.

I did watch youtube to death before i got the heater. No one had mentioned the engineering mode. But most of them only come with a few sheets of loo paper as instructions. For anyone who has one then this is how to get in to the Menu.


02/01/2023 21:55:26
Posted by Robert Atkinson 2 on 02/01/2023 21:28:41:
Posted by Jelly on 02/01/2023 18:06:01:
Posted by Robert Atkinson 2 on 02/01/2023 12:37:24:

Good question and I'm not sure where the line is. There are conditions for "habitable spaces" but these are not clearly defined. If you are heating a space because you are in it I would say that is by default a habitable space.

My experience is that the building inspectors take a more nuanced view of what counts as a habitable space (which is actually a matter for the planning inspectorate to determine), and that garages and outbuildings under permitted development rights are not classified as such.

Consequently whilst only a selected proportion of the building regulations actually apply to permitted development over 30m², whilst anything under 30m² to which the building regulations applies will generally also require planning permission.

I accept that for garages and outbuildings but they are not normally occupied for any length of time. Even if built as a garage we are talking workshops which are occupied for long periods. This is similar to published guidance that says kitchens generally are habitable spaces but utility rooms are not.

it should be remebered that these units are NOT Eberspachers and are almost certainly built by companies that have no quality systems or approvals. a cracked casting can lead to CO poisoning and a fuel leak to a fire.
The fact the the fuel consumption and heatoutput are mismatched by a factor of 3 even if you assume 100% energy recovery from the diesel does not give confidence in their other claims.

Steve, Does you unit you bought have any approval or certification marks?

Robert G8RPI.


Thread: The Workshop Progress Thread 2023
02/01/2023 20:08:52

Got some more done on the Hemingway Kits large bore steady rest.

Made the Phosphor bronze fingers & pressed them into place.


Hemingway Kits

Thread: Chinese diesel heater
02/01/2023 18:42:12
Posted by Andrew Tinsley on 02/01/2023 18:30:01:

Hello Steve,

Many thanks for that clarification. I have had more of my fair share of Eberspachers so it is well within my comfort zone.

Just a quick follow up, do the heaters come with all the necessary bits and pieces, exhausts, heat exchangers

and tanks etc.?


OK. So the heater was £179.99 delivered from ebay. Although have there own website where they sell heater & coolers , i assume aimed at the motorhome trade. The prices on there are much lower than what i paid.

The box has everything in it to fully install the system. 2 lengths of hose & clips. 2 vents. The exhaust tube & silencer. The outside air tube. Lots of other clips & screws. A 10 litre fuel tank, fuel tubing & a filter + the 12v pump. I did purchase more tubing & another vent. The only other thing you will need is a 12v D.C power source. I bought a ebay 15A supply .

If you watched my video's then you would be wise to contact any seller of these for availability before buying as they are in very short supply.


02/01/2023 18:20:33
Posted by Andrew Tinsley on 02/01/2023 18:09:33:


Are these diesel heaters like the Eberspacher, which if I remember correctly have a heat exchanger ? Looking on Ebay most of them seem to have gouts of flame coming from them. Trying to heat a workshop with these, seems to be asking for trouble, let alone rusting kit.

Could someone please clarify?


No Andrew that is the sort of pic they use to attract you. It is not like the floor mounted units that run on parrafin or gas. The unit is a direct copy of the Eberspacher unit. Totally enclosed in an Alluminium housing. Looks a bit like an aircooled motorcycle engine. Air is blown around the outside of that .I have the exhaust which does get quite hot glass heatproof wrapped & through a 2 1/2" steel tube in the wall. I many moons ago had a nice Fairline targa boat, which had the same installation. The exhaust exited just above the water line. Through fibreglass skin. Never a problem.


02/01/2023 18:04:43
Posted by not done it yet on 11/12/2022 08:32:09:
Posted by Steviegtr on 11/12/2022 00:22:30:

Thanks for that Jon. Inspiring to know someone who has done it.


I have done it, too.

Remember, there is no such thing as an 8kW cheap chinese diesel air heater, even though many try to argue there is! Even the 5kW versions do not deliver 5kW.

Perhaps you should make a youtube video of your installation so we can comment on it? (this in reference to one of your earlier posts, on another thread)

Maybe i did read this wrong. If so please accept my sincere apologies


02/01/2023 17:55:10
Posted by Harry Wilkes on 02/01/2023 15:37:48:


Illegitimi non carborundum

Haha. Thanks for that.


02/01/2023 04:37:54

Hello again guys & gals. May I say a Happy new year to you all. I have posted a finalish video on the heater with some results of my air recirculation system. Have a look. It is definitely cheaper than electricity or gas to run. I would not have bothered posting this video on the forum but NDIY asked me to so he & others could add comments about my video's on youtube. I hope some of you enjoy them & subscribe to help my little channel grow. .NDIY. I promise i will build an engine soon for you to belittle or be amazed at.

Regards all 


Edited By Steviegtr on 02/01/2023 04:45:14

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