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Member postings for Lee Jones 6

Here is a list of all the postings Lee Jones 6 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Help choosing a milling machine
15/04/2023 17:23:33

What did you go for in the end?

Once again, I too am looking for a new Mill.

After owning the Warco Super Major for about 2 years, I was not impressed.

It was noisy and not all that rigid / capable considering it's size.

I swore next time I'd either go for a smaller Seig type (like Jason's) or go all out for a Bridgeport.

My new workshop is not big enough to support a Bridgeport however.

Thread: Workshop Flooring Advice
30/01/2022 18:16:58

I'd seriously consider something like that if I weren't concerned about flooding.

Edited By Lee Jones 6 on 30/01/2022 18:17:26

30/01/2022 17:17:59

As does Colin Furze, but he doesn't have to wheel his vertical bandsaw and lathe around. laugh

30/01/2022 15:46:29

I saw that on Amazon.

It has good reviews, but it does say it's not a wearing (top) layer.

You're supposed to lay other flooring on top of it.

30/01/2022 14:35:27

I have seen the No Nonsense stuff, but I don't think it is wear levelling.

Perhaps that and same Epoxy paint might do the trick?

30/01/2022 14:12:23

Just moved house and need to convert a prefab garage into a semi-adequate workshop.

The floor is currently concrete and is as rough as a <insert adage here>.

I need to level it to a final wearing surface using as little (value) height as possible.

The surface should be smooth, able to take weight (lathe, mill, etc) and not explode if I weld on it.

Any help would be gratefully received.

Thread: Lathe: Crunchy noises in lower gears
14/12/2021 20:12:00

Makes sense to me. Thanks for the explanations.

I'll set that up at the same time as installing the DRO which I should be ordering tomorrow.

Hopefully it arrives this side of the festivities.

11/12/2021 19:43:53

Lathe arrived today. It's in pretty good condition. All axis moving smoothly, etc.

I did mention the rag. Not sure the advice was accepted or not, but I passed it on in any case.

First thing I did when it arrived was change the gears in the screw cutting gear box (I would feel that they were not properly seated) and slacken off the change gears a little. And guess what, no more noise. Thanks for all your responses chaps.

One further question regarding setting the change gears ...

Howard, you mentioned using a piece of paper. How does that work exactly?

Thread: DRO for Harrison M250 Lathe
11/12/2021 19:39:20

Great info, thanks Ian.

The change gear situation is not ideal, but I guess that's the price we have to pay for a cheap machine.

I'm hoping to get some time on it soon. Hopefully order the DRO set-up in the week.

10/12/2021 20:05:01

Looking for a new DRO for a recently purchased M250 (arrives tomorrow).

It's Imperial, but I wish to work in Metric.

I fingered the simplist way to resolve the issue would be to install a DRO.

After having one on my old M300, I'm not sure I'd want to do without now.

I've messaged a few resellers (Machine DRO, BMR and the old EMS International) for quotes.

I've also seen this on The Ali:

See CofC

Looks reasonable. Just like the one I had on my Warco Mill. Good reviews, etc.

What are your thoughts? Any further recommendations that I may have overlooked?

Edited By JasonB on 10/12/2021 20:13:27

Thread: Lathe: Crunchy noises in lower gears
08/12/2021 07:43:42

Yes, certainly looks like it. I'll pass on all of your concerns when he arrives on Saturday.

Thanks for all the suggestions - I'll put them all to good use when it's in my possession.

07/12/2021 17:31:09

That's not me in the video.

I'm from the South and have much prettier hands.

Edited By Lee Jones 6 on 07/12/2021 17:32:45

07/12/2021 16:38:34
What do you suppose is going on in the lower ranges here?
Also really noticeable near the end of the video.

As usual. Any help would be gratefully received.

Edited By Lee Jones 6 on 07/12/2021 16:38:50

Thread: Mill Tramming Complications - Debugging Help Required
09/12/2020 11:50:48

No reply from the website query I made, so I called up Warco.

Ended up speaking to Roger (the owner).

They're going to collect the mill and repair it for me. laugh

Thanks for all your help chaps, I really appreciate it - as always.

08/12/2020 11:46:22
Posted by Tony Pratt 1 on 08/12/2020 11:45:19:

Guess that's Bristol, I had to Google that one.

I did check that it was Googleable before posting. laugh

Yes, Brizzle is local slang for Bristol.

08/12/2020 11:42:20
Posted by Tony Pratt 1 on 08/12/2020 11:41:18:
Posted by Lee Jones 6 on 08/12/2020 10:53:05:
Posted by mgnbuk on 08/12/2020 10:41:56:

Right. And it's only now, after owning the machine for over a year, that I'm coming to know the machine well.

The clincher is that the warranty is only 12 months. sad

Lee, the 12 month 'warranty' period under British consumer rights act does no absolve the retailer from selling an item which is not 'fit for purpose' they are duty bound to fix it, can't remember where you are based?

Sunny Brizzle! smiley

08/12/2020 10:53:05
Posted by mgnbuk on 08/12/2020 10:41:56:

They could win the Nobel Prize for fiction with that.

Even if it was "within their spec" it wouldn't be great - 0.05 per 100 mm ? Even a budget industrial machine would be expected to be around 0.025 per 300mm.

It is unfortunate that the customer is expected to do the final inspection on new budget machinery to determine if it is within specification, as even budget machinery is not cheap these days. I think it is unreasonable to expect that a hobbyist without experience could know how and/or have suitable equipment to do such an inspection.

Right. And it's only now, after owning the machine for over a year, that I'm coming to know the machine well.

The clincher is that the warranty is only 12 months. sad

08/12/2020 08:59:22

0.035mm apparently! surprise


08/12/2020 08:46:19
Posted by duncan webster on 08/12/2020 00:31:02:

I had the same problem on my Naerok. If it is similar at the base level (can't see in the photos on Warco website), if you make the shims with U shaped slots to go round the bolts you can get them in by slackening the bolts and pushing the top of the column sideways, no need to lift it off, and if you only back the bolts off by a turn or so no chance of it toppling.

Before I knew how serious this was, that was my basic plan.

To lower the head onto some wooden blocks situated on the table.

Loosen the bolts a little, then lift the column up just a small amount to shim.

However, this is now looking pretty bad, so I'll have to obtain some additional muscle and strip it!

08/12/2020 08:44:30

Conducted some more tests this morning as per the suggestions.

One side of the table is lower than the other, but only by 0.02mm over the whole length.

The head-raising test using a square was repeated, this time;

  • With the square clamped to the table
  • Test was conducted at the centre of the tables
  • Gibs were locked before each reading taken

Results were roughly the same (0.6mm over the height of the square [~200m,].

So I've emailed Warco to see if they can provide any insight.

I'll post a copy of their QA sheet when I can find a moment to locate it.

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