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Member postings for Jim Young 2

Here is a list of all the postings Jim Young 2 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Plumbing mystery
15/04/2021 20:02:19

Don’t forget to have a wet vac on standby when you do the job!!!

Thread: Distorted ship's hull steel panels
10/04/2021 22:45:16

Low res picture, but like this?

I can only find reference to welding distortion, seems strange that they accept it / haven’t got a solution to it.

Edited By Jim Young 2 on 10/04/2021 22:46:58

Edited By Jim Young 2 on 10/04/2021 22:48:31

Thread: EON customers
24/12/2020 20:18:43

I tried to ring them on another matter today, after 10 mins on the phone answering various questions to a computer and chasing through various menu,.........’ we are closed, we are back 4th Jan’.

This after an 30 min abortive call yesterday with them telling me how important my call was, and suggesting I use web chat......service unavailable!

Thanks EON - just don’t answer or tell me that straight away.....would it be cynical to wonder if they get a cut of the call cost?

Thread: Model tug boat plans
29/11/2020 13:47:50

This might help:

Thread: The repair shop
01/10/2020 07:19:26

Interested that I wasn’t the only one to look up the glue!

I swap between interest and ranting at the screen, having spent many years restoring furniture.

The use of staples on antique items is a real ‘no no’, if it is tacked when stripped then tacks it is when it goes back!

Thread: I'm not blind but this is a great addition
23/08/2020 12:16:14

I realise that the larger dial is in better focus and has less reflection, but it is interesting that, the ‘dirty’ cream dial is, I think, easier to read. Just the photo or actual ?

Thread: Door stay help
10/08/2020 12:58:21

Many and various designs on eBay for between £5 and £10. Can you just replace the friction pad perhaps?

Thread: Selling on behalf of executors in 1975
12/07/2020 12:42:18

Re Advert......A J Reeve & Co still seem to be trading all these years later, but at a rather different address. Google street view suggests that the old location might have been redeveloped. Company current trading name suggests perhaps a financial hiatus at the turn of the century, but they still seem to be here, not many that that is true of!

Thread: Damp proofing floor
07/06/2020 21:11:40

Any DPM will need protection.

you might find this thread elsewhere useful


( saves typing it all again).

07/06/2020 21:02:56

Not cheap but......


Thread: Inverter failure guidance
09/05/2020 18:21:18

Thanks to everyone for their wisdom. All working happily to a max of 65Hz. I realised that there was a parameter not listed on my instruction sheet (P25) discovered whilst watching a youtube video. It sets the number of poles. It is in the inverter and programmable .....just not listed.

It seems that this vfd is delivered in several different cases but is basically the same electronics inside.

Just for info it is the XSY-AT1 not very expensive, but beware there is no way that the terminals comply to any european (uk) regulations. There are no cable gland holes and the terminals are easy to touch. I am going to mount it inside an IP65 box and gland off the cables now I have everything working from external controls. There is even facility on the VFD to power an external cooling fan. Last job is to get some proper control cable for the pot and the switch, I don’t like using the green / yellow for anything other than earth even if it is only 10v!


08/05/2020 21:16:28

Thanks for all the info. After much testing and work, I came to the conclusion the the unit was broken. A new Chinese unit from the internet has arrived and worked in basic form ‘out of the box’. It took a little investigation to sort the external speed pot’ and forward reverse switch. All working now.

Only one question, with a max frequency of 50Hz the lathe is slower than it was. The inverter can do 0-400 Hz. Set to a max of 100Hz the max speed seems better. Is that ok? Motor plate says 50Hz



Edited By Jim Young 2 on 08/05/2020 21:17:00

Edited By Jim Young 2 on 08/05/2020 21:21:34

Edited By Jim Young 2 on 08/05/2020 21:26:06

Edited By Jim Young 2 on 08/05/2020 21:30:38

Thread: Photo sharing
01/05/2020 19:41:47

Have you thought about Googledrive or Onedrive, both of which you can ‘share’ I believe. Both have a free offering.....just depends if it is big enough.

Thread: Central heating woes.
21/04/2020 15:14:40

Could I suggest closing the valves (not the lock shield end) of all the other rads in the house. This should cause a gurgle and air to move. It is possible on some pumps to turn up the flow rate (small slider or dial) note original position and return to this setting as overpumping causes it’s own set of issues in due course?

Make sure lock shield valve of affected rad is fully open for the ‘blast through’ and returned to original setting once complete ( count number of turns that you move it).

Be aware that shutting the valves on the other rads may cause them to weep ( especially when cold) you may need to nip up the gland packing nut on the spindle.

Hope you succeed !

Thread: Good reading from DYSON.
30/03/2020 18:40:22

I had a rather negative experience of Dyson recently (sorry taking things rather off topic). Having been involved in school D.T. for several years, I wrote to Dyson development suggesting that they might like to consider sponsoring a ‘Dyson Challenge’ in the 12 to 16 age group. Idea being that they supply one of their ‘digital’ motors and a battery pack. Issue a design brief for a model racing car so that every school taking part started on a level field. Then run ‘meets’ at which school compete for, say, speed or battery duration. Down to the pupils to design and build for the challenge. Gives the company lots of ‘product placement’ with the future purchasers, good press for encouraging future designers and engineers......etc etc.

I received a one paragraph reply (from some lowly employee) , along the lines that, Sir James was quite capable of having his own ideas and please go away!

Next cleaner here will NOT be a Dyson!

Thread: Inverter failure guidance
29/03/2020 18:45:11


Yes, fault light is off.

Remote light is off.

Direction light can be switched either way ( responding to commands)

I have tried factory reset.

old mart,

Thanks I will have a look.

29/03/2020 17:44:41

Thanks, yes I did glance at the two huge electrolytics, they are nice and ‘shapely’ with no bulging , obviously tricky (and most likely inaccurate) to measure on the board, but working on the board is tricky (but not impossible) as it is double sided. Last powered up and working about 3 months ago.

29/03/2020 17:32:55

Photo’s uploaded but not sure where!


.....ah they appear linked on the left of the posting!


Edited By Jim Young 2 on 29/03/2020 17:34:38

29/03/2020 17:27:08

Well an interesting day if not a successful day !

I decided to trace everything, first discovery was that almost every wire had been heavily scored when stripping, such that every conductor was showing when the cable was flexed, unlikely to be the fault but not good!

On open the ACS200 I discovered that a previous owner had stripped the threads on the low voltage terminal block, instead of sorting this they had inserted ‘matchsticks’ to hold the wires in place. As none of the cable exits had compression glands, at least one wire had come adrift. So starting from scratch, everything rewired and the terminal blocks replaced. Cable glands fitted.

Powered up and still no joy. Checked low voltage figures at the pcb , the pot gives 1v to 9.8 v (10 v supply specified ) so assume that is ok. The motor switch, moves the 24 v between the terminal for forward and reverse, so this seems ok.

All settings returned to factory default. Previous owner had taken emergency stop, gear cover microswitch, and chuck guard out of circuit!

No voltage at all between the 3 phases of the output.

I am beginning to think the unit is dead, interestingly the ‘warning high voltage’ led lights and stays on for quite a while after complete power down, suggesting that the high voltage side is charging up.

I assume the output should be set to 220v and not 440v as the instructions say the unit is unable to supply a higher voltage than the ‘supply voltage’.

Motor plate says Y/D 415/240

I will try to post some pictures.

Anyone any ideas ?

Just looked at replacements......ouch !


28/03/2020 16:24:25

Thanks. Tomorrows job !

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