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Member postings for Jim Young 2

Here is a list of all the postings Jim Young 2 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Percy Blandford
02/10/2023 21:02:34

Having slight issues posting the picture. I can see it but can others?

Yes - I had found Clarkcraft but not enough detail for a positive id.

02/10/2023 20:51:33


Edited By Jim Young 2 on 02/10/2023 21:17:38

02/10/2023 20:43:36

I know this isn’t ‘model engineering, but you are all so well read in many subjects I thought you might be able to add some information to my investigations!
I recently had the opportunity to recover this two seater from a woodshed, it was most likely destined for the skip or the bonfire. After several hours of research I think it may be to a design by Percy Blandford, I had never heard of him but he seems to have been quite a prolific writer on many subjects in his time.

It has remnants of it’s canvas cover, most likely sealed with lead paint. The frame is all very loose. I suspect originally all glued with Cascamite which has gone very brittle.

I had considered dismantling and making drawings, ….just because I could. Making one from drawings would cost very little. I did wonder if such a process would make an article for a woodworking magazine….but it may run into all sorts of copyright issues.

His books have been out of print for years, I have ordered a copy of his canoe book from my local library, but it may take months to arrive as it is in the ‘central book store’.

Any information very welcome!



Edited By Jim Young 2 on 02/10/2023 20:53:37

Edited By Jim Young 2 on 02/10/2023 20:55:17

Thread: What did you do today? 2023
27/06/2023 07:29:03

Beware….sounds like Hogweed. Nasty stuff. Even allowing for BBC hype!

Thread: Remotely oiling a workshop of line shaft machinery
17/04/2023 19:39:52

I think HGVs. have some system of multipoint auto lubrication. Could this be adapted?

Edited By Jim Young 2 on 17/04/2023 20:07:39

Thread: Why oh Why.
26/02/2023 08:44:11

If you are using Outlook, a complete restart may recover them. It could be that the profile hasn’t completely loaded, from it’s ‘database’. Not the correct terms but it happens often on my work system. Worth a try!

Thread: Plant Identification … please [ Horticultural ]
12/09/2022 18:40:35

Email the pictures to RHS Wisley……they may be willing to assist.

Thread: Zinc-Rich Primer
13/08/2022 17:35:31

Experiment with a spoonful in a baked bean tin perhaps?

Thread: A grand day out !
25/07/2022 19:35:17

Just to register a huge thank you to the team at we visited on Sunday morning. Six trains running and seven locos. A brilliant welcome. They were great with our grand children. Lots of effort had gone into the day. Worth a visit if you are in the area when they are next running. We will be back as our holiday cottage is only 5 mins away !

Thread: English Wheel
24/04/2022 19:29:20

A link to the latest in a series. Interesting processes.

Thread: A problem opening an old TurboBasic Help file
18/04/2022 19:24:18

A very unlikely solution, but I have known it work in the past - so worth a try!

Save a copy of the required file - anywhere you find accessible- then use the rename function and call it anything you like but make sure that you change the file extension to .txt

Then double click the file. SOMETIMES you get a set of readable information. A few seconds to do and easy to delete if it doesn’t work!

Thread: Another mystery object
16/03/2022 21:59:29

Indeed a saw set. But unlike the plier type, these take considerable skill to get an even set.

Thread: An unpleasant nocturnal experience.
11/01/2022 07:50:48

You need to be systematic. Remove all food sources. NO feeding the birds, poultry keeping etc! Tidy away all outdoor ‘cover’ , flower pots, boxes, foliage etc. work around filling all access points - however small. Obviously mortar works, builders gun foam is good BUT needs the inclusion of stainless steel wire wool or the little monsters will chew through it! Then install the closed bait boxes with the bait blocks in them. You can then monitor activity,

Don’t forget that they will go up a rough brick wall without a hesitation. Block around all service access points. Lastly you have to keep up the supply of a good quality of bait. You will reduce the ‘local’ rodent population but there will always be new ‘incomers’.

Thread: Microwave Oven
25/10/2021 16:59:09

This might also be interesting.
Thread: Nails ?????
02/10/2021 16:53:39

A little harsh ! The photo has a caption,” Nuts and bolts - file image’. The article says,”A Lithuanian man has had more than a kilogram of nails, screws, nuts and knives removed from his stomach by doctors, local media report. “ so the picture is not completely irrelevant !

Edited By Jim Young 2 on 02/10/2021 16:56:34

Thread: A machine used for what?
11/09/2021 18:31:44

Sewing shoes?

Thread: My week this week! My workshop videos
01/09/2021 20:13:54

Phil, the apples are falling off the cooking apple tree!

your rust remover……is it just crushed apples ?



Thread: Steam Outboard
22/08/2021 20:24:13

I’ve been interested in a steam launch build for some years, but you have to ask yourself….how long? Though if I had started it when I first became interested!!!

I discovered this picture - built on a British Seagull. Can anyone offer any thoughts.,28941,28947
I hope this link goes to the correct picture as I couldn’t get the picture to load into the thread.


Thread: What Did You Do Today 2021
14/08/2021 21:20:59

MickB1 are the details of bunny published anywhere or do you fancy telling us more….looks fun!

Thread: My week this week! My workshop videos
16/05/2021 11:07:23

Phil, always a fun watch, how do we all collect so much ‘junk’ ?!

Your premises are a strange and interesting collection of rooms, are you able to give us the background? A bit more about how you gained your skills would be interesting.

Get away from the tidying and back to the bench soon !



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