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Member postings for vintage engineer

Here is a list of all the postings vintage engineer has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Limiting pressure to a gauge
16/10/2019 21:39:22

I am rebuilding a 1910 5 litre petrol engine. On start up the oil pressure peaks at 70 psi but the running pressure is 15 psi. I need to limit the pressure reaching the gauge on start up as the gauge only reads to 30 psi?

Edited By vintage engineer on 16/10/2019 21:40:16

Thread: Anyone know about buying freehold to a house in the north
16/10/2019 19:10:22

Buy it or someone else might buy it and impose charges on you!

Thread: What are these pliers for
14/10/2019 21:19:23

Obviously not used by engineers!

Thread: diameter calculation
10/10/2019 21:21:44

I will work it out in cad  for you. I make it 75.12mm diameter.


Edited By vintage engineer on 10/10/2019 21:37:15

Thread: Bright EN24T steel vs Black EN24T for cutting gears
08/10/2019 22:24:25

Make sure the black bar has enough material to machine to size.

Thread: Alternative metal sources?
06/10/2019 21:07:28

When I worked in the engineering dept of a major high street bank, I managed to get the most valuable thing possible in the company. A letter from a director authorising me to take anything I liked from the scrap skips! As I was responsible for what went into the skips this was like winning the lottery!

Thread: Wiring a CAV dynamo
05/10/2019 21:00:30

Anyone know how to wire this dynamo. It has 3 terminals Plus, Minus and an unmarked one in the middle.dynamo

Thread: Alternative metal sources?
05/10/2019 20:13:56

HD White on Ford Airfield West Sussex.

Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 23/09/2019 10:38:18:
Posted by vintage engineer on 23/09/2019 09:58:38:

I buy brass, bronze and ali from my local scrap merchant at very reasonable prices.

Where is it? Just what we're all after!

Always worth asking around, but my local scrap merchant is only interested in buying metal, not selling it in small quantities. 30 years ago you could wander around, dismantle cars for parts, explore the bins and offer cash for interesting surplus equipment. Now the site is surrounded by razor wire and patrolled by aggressive dogs. It's not set up to deal with casual purchasers. Not a particularly good source of hobby metal either - too few manufacturing offcuts in my part of the world alas.


Edited By SillyOldDuffer on 23/09/2019 10:39:17

Thread: Hand or Machine Reamers?
04/10/2019 17:44:02

Machine reamers can cut over size if everything isn't square.

Thread: Final drive toothed belts?
04/10/2019 17:40:06

Use two with offset pulleys!

Thread: Battery charger problem
02/10/2019 18:59:38

One of our local council dumps has twice burnt down due to piles of Lithium Ion batteries catching fire!

Thread: Antique car electrics
30/09/2019 18:45:05

Not sure. I will have a look at the weekend

Posted by Jeff Dayman on 30/09/2019 11:59:55:

Vintage Engineer - do you have any pictures of the connectors on the back of your switch on your 1914 Peugeot? One of the things we are doing on the 1926 machine is replacing the perished zinc die castings of the housing with machined aluminum ones. The originals have completely disintegrated by expanding internally and crumbling. As this happened the electrical connections fell out and were lost. We do plan to replace the connectors with bronze conductor parts and modern plastic insulators but would like to know what the originals looked like. Thanks again.

30/09/2019 10:14:10

I have a 1914 Peugeot! Redsetter is correct on all accounts!

Thread: Whitesmiths Shop
29/09/2019 21:56:17

Yes as a retired blacksmith I once had a long discussion with a black gentleman as why I wasn't a whitesmith! Whitesmiths work with"white" metals, eg, tin, zinc, pewter. and lead.

Thread: Boiler build abandoned !
27/09/2019 20:01:50

I use oxy propane for silver soldering and never have a problem. You can even unsolder joints. High localised heat is the trick to silver soldering.

Thread: Water in fuel
25/09/2019 14:02:30

I run a blown Lotus 7 and inject large doses of water and methanol when on full boost. This cause the incoming charge be cooler so produces more power.

Thread: Plugging crankshaft oil ways
25/09/2019 13:59:09

I would cut down a tap and tap them, then fit grub screws.

Thread: Alternative metal sources?
23/09/2019 09:58:38

I buy brass, bronze and ali from my local scrap merchant at very reasonable prices.

Thread: Screw cutting is over complicated
17/09/2019 09:52:03

Setting over the topslide in a production workshop would get you the sack!

Thread: Black Bar
14/09/2019 14:25:33

Be very careful with mild steel black bar. This is normally recycled steel and full of all sorts of crap!

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