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Member postings for Alan Waddington 2

Here is a list of all the postings Alan Waddington 2 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Advice on choosing a tool cutter/grinder
12/09/2023 21:00:01

Depends what you are expecting to grind with them.

Out of the two would consider the Clarkeson to be most useful, but you need all the accessories to exploit its capabilities.

Had a couple of Chinese Deckel clones, complete with supplied accessories and sold both in short order, found them to be pretty useless for my needs. Think the original Deckel was designed for sharpening engraver points.

Thread: XYZ1500 Belt Head Turret Mill
10/09/2023 17:28:48
Posted by Ady1 on 10/09/2023 17:23:24:

I've been "CNC mill" watching on ebay for a few months now and rather a lot of them have been popping up

If they're any good then someones had a clearout and opportunity is knocking


Definitely a buyers market at the moment


Edited By Alan Waddington 2 on 10/09/2023 17:29:24

10/09/2023 17:02:38


10/09/2023 15:31:31
Posted by Lee Reynolds 1 on 10/09/2023 15:00:21:


Has anyone any experience with an XYZ1500 Belt Head Turret Mill, either good or bad!

Many thanks


Not sure if relevant but i bought an XYZ 2000 PRO to sell on, seemed like a nice machine, was half tempted to keep it. Think most Bridgeport copies are much of a muchness. It’s more about buying on condition really, a lot of turrets have a hard life with little or no maintenance.

Thread: Building a car from scratch
08/09/2023 22:18:58
Posted by Chris Pearson 1 on 08/09/2023 21:09:11:
Posted by duncan webster on 08/09/2023 00:59:12:

I remember 14% mortgages ...

That'll test your household budgeting! I bought my first house circa 1986 with mortgages at that level. A modern car was out of the question, which meant that mechanical skills including welding were essential. How times change!

ETA: 5% MIR is normal.

Bought our first house in 1986 too, could only afford a complete wreck, mortgage took most of our income. Remember researching central heating using books from the library and then planning and fitting it myself. In some ways it was great, nothing felt impossible even though we were perpetually skint, you just had to be inventive and resourceful.

Thread: A blast from the past
08/09/2023 18:04:05

Remember my mate living in a dingy top floor bedsit, it was freezing so he used to plug a fan heater into the communal landing light pendant.

Landlord couldn’t understand why lighting fuse kept blowing !

Thread: Building a car from scratch
08/09/2023 11:31:05

Built this a good few years back, in fact it was why i bought my first lathe a Cromwell 3.5”. Mr Sparey’s book was a well thumbed tome back then.

Kawasaki ZX900 engine, very lightweight car, approx 450kg with 140bhp and an 11,000 rpm redline.

Made my own rear brake set up using Motorcycle disks and homemade alloy bells. And a mechanical paddle shift system with a quickshifter for clutchless up and down shifts.

Had lots of fun with it once finished, did trackdays at most of the British tracks, Harewood Hillclimb, Curborough Sprint, also plenty of drag racing at York Raceway.

Eventually sold it to lovely chap who drove all the way from Hungary with a trailer attached to collect.img_0065.jpeg

Thread: The crumbly concrete problem
03/09/2023 23:47:04

Another ‘crisis’ pedalled by the media……just more smoke and mirrors.

Thread: INT40 Taper
17/08/2023 22:41:40
Posted by Daedalus on 17/08/2023 21:57:40:
Posted by Alan Waddington 2 on 17/08/2023 20:59:45:

Was that the green one, with all the accessories, seller was retiring ? ……short answer to your question is you can use them all with a bit of fiddling about .

Edited By Alan Waddington 2 on 17/08/2023 21:18:37

Yes thats the one. I was looking to buy a new Chester mill, had put a deposit down and then spotted that one, along with all of the accessories so I canceled the order with Chester. As I thought that I was getting the Chester I have just taken delivery of a new dividing head, rotary table and vice. I'll have to try to sell those now.

As it happens I have had a couple of other people mention they had seen that Ingers machine for sale on Market Place.

Absolute bargain, machines in that condition complete with original accessories are rare. Proper industrial quality, you 100% made the correct choice. Well done and enjoy .

17/08/2023 20:59:45
Posted by Daedalus on 17/08/2023 18:13:12:

Hi guys,

I know that someone here will be able to help with this one.

I have bought a new to me milling machine, a rare for the UK Ingers 2 universal with a full range of accessories, I should get it next week. The taper in the horizontal and vertical heads is INT40, but I am unsure of how it compares to BT or ISO, what it has in the way of threads and pull stud if any. Does anyone know of any comprehesive drawings and spec sheets for them? I have searched Google and others and cannot find quite what I am after.

Thanks in advance


Was that the green one, with all the accessories, seller was retiring ? ……short answer to your question is you can use them all with a bit of fiddling about .


Edited By Alan Waddington 2 on 17/08/2023 21:18:37

Thread: Drawbar M16 to 3/8 Adapter HELP.
02/08/2023 22:13:44

Could you not screw the 16mm allthread into the chuck, cut it off flush and drill and tap it to 3/8” to take the drawbar. Kind of like a threaded insert, fairly certain i did a similar thing when i had a 40 int Beaver. You could thread lock it into place.

Sorry, just read post above, which is an off the shelf solution of what i’m describing.

Edited By Alan Waddington 2 on 02/08/2023 22:16:53

Thread: What did you do today? 2023
02/08/2023 18:48:54
Posted by Grizzly bear on 02/08/2023 18:00:13:

@Alan W2,

I like the look of the box section welded to the pipe.


Haha, the "pipe" started as a lump of 4" solid bar.....3 full

Bags of swarf later as there are two of them.

Thread: Who can transport a grinder M62 corridor?
01/08/2023 23:26:11

Can’t help with someone to move it, but they are not nice to shift if sat on the floor. Hauled mine with a flatbed trailer, but it was a pain.

Horrible awkward thing to move about, and surprisingly heavy, rollers are not really an option, you need to crane them ideally. Also make sure you empty the hydraulic tank before transporting, otherwise you will end up with oil everywhere you don't want it to be.

If you do sling it, only use the prescribed lifting points, mine has eyes screwed into the top, don’t be tempted to put straps around the bed, as it’s just sat on the ways.

The height of the lifting points makes it awkward to use something like an engine crane. Mine was craned onto the trailer and i used a block and tackle at my end to get it off.

Good luck with the move.

Thread: What did you do today? 2023
31/07/2023 22:58:17

Funnily enough been making some hinges myself recently


Thread: Jones & Shipman 540
30/10/2022 18:10:20


30/10/2022 18:10:01

Do you mean one of these ?


Thread: Hemmingway/Machin gearbox label
19/06/2022 16:27:11

Can anyone assist, i need to make new charts/labels for a Myford ML7 gearbox, the old ones have disintegrated due to oil contamination and are illegible.

The gearbox is i believe a Hemmingway/Machin gearbox, made from plans and castings.6e545621-4111-4a5b-bace-0957b57d7c84.jpeg

Edited By Alan Waddington 2 on 19/06/2022 16:31:11

Thread: Grease in oil lines
18/05/2022 13:10:29
Posted by David George 1 on 18/05/2022 08:40:50:

Hi what mill is it as some mill's use grease on some parts like a Bridgport uses a white grease for varidrive bitts.


It’s an Aciera F4 David, fortunately it came with a manual, including a lubrication schedule, which previous owner obviously didn’t bother reading !

And to answer Swarf Mostly’s question. Fortunately the ways seem to be in A1 condition, so no harm done either way.

17/05/2022 22:01:15

Picked up a new to me mill at the weekend, seller proudly mentioned he had greased all the nipples to save me the trouble……yep he’s greased all the oil nipples to the ways. So whats the best thing to do, thought about pumping some diesel through to flush the grease out, followed by the correct way oil……..thoughts on a postcard ?

Thread: Help needed to lift bandsaw curse.
02/03/2021 20:59:02

Ah ok, followed your link to the Femi saga........surely that is a courier issue rather than a faulty saw ? 



Edited By Alan Waddington 2 on 02/03/2021 21:07:47

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