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Member postings for FMES

Here is a list of all the postings FMES has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Quiz
10/02/2015 06:14:43
Posted by Diane Carney on 09/02/2015 23:55:38:

And whether you have ever been a rider on the Wall of Death! Try telling them there's no such thing a centrifugal force! wink

Edited By Diane Carney on 09/02/2015 23:56:09

Always thought it was Centripetal reaction.

09/02/2015 15:50:08

Time flies like an arrow

Fruit flies like a banana

09/02/2015 15:23:53

Wouldn't be 'equal' then Jason smiley

09/02/2015 15:08:35

Well, if all other things are being equal they'll both use the same amount.

Thread: A Word of Warning
05/02/2015 13:09:17

Well, if its this one **LINK** its rated at 120 Kg max load so I would be looking at making some steps toward wickes

Thread: Soldering pipework
04/02/2015 11:27:53

One point to consider, from the previous thread admittedly, if all the water boils away, what is going to generate the pressure?

Having seen this in the flesh on a 31/2 Atlantic boiler, all that resulted was a lump of hot metal, the residual pressure dropped to nothing very quickly, but of course would have resulted in a flash steam generation should any water have been injected, (This was witnessed at the time when the driver tried to pump water in using the handpump, the resultant 'flash' was coped with by the single safety, blowing off at 80 psi, and dropping back to zero almost immediately).

As it turned out, the driver, who was a novice at the time. was unaware of the very quick drop in water level that can happen on the Atlantic design and the fire was immediately dropped by his supervisor.

End result - boiler was taken off the frames, inspected and retested as per a new build,(allowing for softened copper) which it passed flying colours, and is still in service today.

Thread: Westbury Sealion
01/02/2015 20:36:37
Posted by John Stevenson on 01/02/2015 19:43:23:

We got that good at it that two guys could do one, engine out, strip, new crank and bearing and back in, in just under 3 hours.

Takes that long to disconnect all the sensors these days sad

01/02/2015 16:04:15
Posted by frank brown on 01/02/2015 14:06:10:

On the contrary, when the two outer pistons are rising, the two centre ones are falling, this will flex the crankshaft in the centre.

Many older vehicles were built with this crank design and it seemed to work ok, I think the Austin 7 was one and I have Coventry Climax sidevalve that only has two main bearings.

They were never stressed enough to cause a problem.

Thread: Vertical Alignment Jig
01/02/2015 14:20:36

Well, there you go, I didn't know how to change the *link* text, Thanks Pete.

01/02/2015 12:31:29

Whilst I agree that a reference to the item on the original post would have been very useful, I am also aware that many people are not fully conversant with procedures within the forum to know how to post links etc, (Jason kindly helped me when I had the same problem).

To accuse someone of 'not being bothered' is surely a little harsh? especially when the OP has mentioned that he is not familiar with terminology.

Thread: Chuck Guard
26/01/2015 06:04:41

Normally I use an upholstery nozzle on the vac attached to the tool post (or just hold it there) Saves on the final clean up.

Works for the mill too.

Thread: TV Volume control
24/01/2015 21:38:04

Gents, I offer a really simple solution and it appears to be totally ignored.

24/01/2015 14:03:55

Try one of these **LINK**

You put it next to the tv and a built in microphone sends sound directly to a hearing aid with the loop system

Then you don't have to have the tv volume up too high


Edited By Lofty76 on 24/01/2015 14:06:37

Thread: Forgotten engineering techniques
22/01/2015 21:21:28

wow, is it really that bad?

I log on to this forum many times during the day just to keep up with the different discussions, and enjoy some of the random topics and the memories they sometimes bring.

I am rather amazed that it could be thought that the myriad of hints and tips that must exist within the engineering world could be covered in just a couple of pages, when I first saw the title I likened it to the 'What did you do today' thread, which could develop over many articles.

Sometimes even the most simple tip or comment could inadvertently solve a long term problem for someone, so in some respects whatever is written by someone may possibly be found to be of interest to someone else, and I believe it may be wrong to censor an article just because it may be found not to a persons taste.

Oh, and an apology Neil, for posting 'another' off topic item.


Thread: Mini Lathe Owners - how do you fix your lathe? Or not?
22/01/2015 20:15:35

Hi Neil,

I have a Clarke CL300M which just sits on the bench on its rubber feet, so that I can pick it up and move it if needs be.

Mostly used for making injectors and I can stick it in the car if I'm doing any club demos.


Thread: Steam Raising Coal
22/01/2015 06:31:13

I use anthracite beans in my boilers, I start the fire with wood soaked in parrafin or diesel and gradually add the beans with the electric blower on.

The fire is virtually smoke free and there is very little clinker but does as previously mentioned, requires a good draft.

The only time is used Steam Coal the fire was very smokey, (ideal for realism, but a pain when you're sat behind the chimney).

Thread: What did you do today (2015)
19/01/2015 10:09:19

Neil, do you think you might get a look at this ? **LINK**

Thread: Black 5 Boiler first boiler i have made
17/01/2015 22:51:36

Well Ron, if you do as good a job with the stays as it looks you have with the rest of the build, I don't think you'll have any problems at all with the pressure test.

Thread: Editors Deliberate Mistakes
17/01/2015 20:31:31

My ford was a Lotus Cortina

Ahh, moving on !!

Thread: What did you do today (2015)
17/01/2015 18:09:41

Hi Jesse, thats worth making a complaint **LINK**

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