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Steve Garnett

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Name: Steve Garnett
County/State: Surrey
Country: United Kingdom

More about me:

Started to get interested in Mech Eng when I was at school - which was back in the days when it was still treated as a serious subject (1960's). I ended up working for several firms whose outlook could be described as 'electromechanical', I suppose, and my education and training reflected this. I've never really been involved in the heavy engineering side of the business though, but far more with prototypes and small-scale production runs of precision equipment, and on a part-time basis now, I still am. In many ways though, my electronics background is stronger, but that's as much because I've had to do it rather than because I wanted to - I've always enjoyed the mechanical aspects of what I've had to do rather more, if I'm honest. There are other disciplines (one rather major one) in my background as well, but I won't bore you with all that! One of the things I really enjoy is rescuing old machinery and tools, and getting them back to the best state I can. As a result of this, the entire contents of my workshop has cost very little indeed (or in some cases nothing at all), but a lot of it still needs considerable work doing to it. As a result of a lot of effort recently being paid 'in kind', I've acquired several 'new' bits of machinery that require major restoration work, and the workshop needs completely reorganising from the ground up. And that's the 2010 task, basically - that and finding a bigger lathe*. So, machinery currently working/being worked on: Hobbymat MD65 lathe (doesn't look that good, but works fairly well), Clarkson Mk1, Meddings Pacera pedestal drill, Tom Senior M1 (currently in bits), Exe surface grinder, RJH linisher and all sorts of bits and pieces. Also, at work I have access to a Smart and Brown 1024 and a couple of mills, so most things can be accomplished one way or another when it comes to home shop repairs (fortunately). *Update: I've just spent more money on a lathe than the rest of the workshop cost in total. Not only that, but SWMBO hasn't thrown a major wobbly over it either. Latest update about the lathe is that it is in pretty good condition, but still needs some stuff done to it, and I'm getting on with it as and when I can - which isn't as often as I'd like to, unfortunately. But it *will* get there.

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Last online: 22/06/2023 15:40:52

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