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Russell Eberhardt

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County/State: Languedoc Rousillon
Country: France

More about me:

Started making Airfix models and progressed to control line flying models in the late 50s early 60s. Hated metalwork at school but read Model Engineer cover to cover in the local library!

While at university in the mid 60s I bought an Austin Seven and had to learn how to fix it. Graduated and became a Chartered Engineer (Electronics and computers).  That started me on a path taking me onto standards committees in both the UK and Brussells, then setting up my own business which took me on frequent trips to the Far East and eventually selling up to a far eastern based group and then retirement to the South of France in 2003.

I quired a 1920s car for restoration in 1971 and bought an old Edgar lathe to help with that. Later having acquired more old cars I upgraded to an Atlas lathe, which was I believe the inspiration for the 7 series Myfords. I ended up with a 1927 Morris Cowley, a 1930 Talbot 90 Speed Model, a 1928/34 Austin Seven Special, and a 1934 Fraser Nash.

On taking early retirement I sold the cars to boost the retirement fund but couldn't bear to part with the lathe so took up model engineering to keep my hand in. Also playing with clockmaking (my grandfather, Great grandfather, and G.G. grandfather were all clockmakers) and have converted a small mill for cnc.

Since writing the above I have completed a skeleton clock to John Parslow's design and an English Regulator based on John Wilding's design but with numerous design improvements. 

My stats:

Last online: 04/10/2023 09:13:21

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