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Member postings for John Wallett

Here is a list of all the postings John Wallett has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: John Wilding Elegant Scroll Skeleton Clock
08/01/2020 09:23:02

I ended up putting micro bearings / bearings on all arbours apart from the pallet, I made the larger barrel 2/14 " and the smaller arbour 0.5" and I sourced a 0.4mm spring and the clock keeps time within a minute a week with the weaker spring the pallets are having an easier life!

09/01/2019 20:59:02

Hi Guys I finished the Elegant Scroll clock and it keeps excellent time but will not run for 8 days! I got the latest book and it says there wasn't enough resilience and the barrel should have been made larger ie 2.250" doesn't say inside or out? the simplest method is to make the Fusse smaller but doesn't say by how much?

Anybody done the modifications?



13/03/2018 17:53:53

Hi John that's great thank you and it all make sense any info is much appreciated smiley

Kind Regards,


11/03/2018 09:20:37

Hi Guys I have moved on a bit the clock is all rough assembled not polished yet!! anyone any idea of what the click spring on the barrel looks like? again nothing in my book! I can do something to do the job but would like to do it as it should be. There are a lot of things missing in the book like how/where the bracket for the alarm is fitted, the maintaining dent arbour no mention of that either etc etc



18/02/2018 09:02:30

Hi guys back on trying to finish the clock!! I have got to the stage of the plates all done not polished the train is done and running, the bit I am stuck on is fitting the strike components there is no mention in the book I have of how to fit them? can anyone help with either a scan of the section covering this or sell me the latest edition IF it covers this? my edition is No4. Thanks John.

14/02/2017 14:38:12

Thanks Marcus that has given me a bit to ponder over and I hope it all resolves it's self when the Depthing Tool is sorted!

Thanks Roy that is a thought !!!


13/02/2017 12:45:32

Hi Marcus thanks for the reply

The measurement that is giving me concern is the 1 5/32" it measures 1 7/32" plus the pattern for the rear plate cut out is different from the front profile!


13/02/2017 10:06:30

Thanks Neil I think I will subscribe to the MEW I used to take it "years" ago.

As I have fitted the wheels to the Arbors Russel I will have to use the conventional gauge.


12/02/2017 18:51:21

Another thing I have found is the pattern of the rear cut out for the Pallet if you superimpose it on the front they do not line up at all!! I may get the latest book just to see if there any differences?

12/02/2017 13:10:00

Roy sorry I forgot to say thank you!!

I have done all the calculations and none are relevant to the plan so it is a case of not cutting anymore out of the plates until I can do the measurements correctly.

10/02/2017 21:47:00

Hi Roy it's taken me long enough to make this one too much time on my classic car!

I have made my profile public but I live near Ely in Cambridgeshire.

I don't know if there is anybody close to borrow from but that may be an idea?


10/02/2017 19:53:52

Looks like I will need a traditional depthing tool guys sad

10/02/2017 19:34:54

Hi Andy I used the template that came with the book I certainly have a problem it's just as well I didn't continue fretting out the plates, it would be good to know the errors?

Thanks Again,


10/02/2017 18:03:20

Thank You John much appreciated.


10/02/2017 17:47:03

Hi John thanks for the reply I don't have a depthing tool yet!! I have mounted the wheels on the arbors yes that reference to the depthing tool was very helpful!

What still confuses me is every measurement is near enough 100% correct apart from the 1 5/32" one?

I would appreciate some info on the depthing tool John.

Thanks again


10/02/2017 17:05:27

Hi guys

Thank you for the reply my concern is as it's an 1/8" between the second and third pinion hole as you make your way to doing the others the error follows leaving very little on the frame and no where near the centre of where they should be! the escapement centre worries me! the measurements between the escape and third are fine! I haven't as yet done the cut outs above the fusee.

I know I have to do the final with a depthing tool I didn't what to start fretting out the plates if there is a problem as the layout clearly stated 1 5/32" and it measures 1 7/32"!

I wondered is there had been any amendments my book is 1978 fourth edition.

Kind Regards,


10/02/2017 12:42:53

Hi Guys I am building the clock, looking at the layout plans the Center Pinion to Great Wheel says it's 1 5/32" but if you measure it it is 1 7/32 all the other measurements are correct anyone built the clock? Thanks John

Thread: Tony Jefree`s CNC conversion of the Myford ML7 Lathe (MEW May 2008)
13/09/2010 12:49:43
John S I have been waiting for the mods for the S7 PX but I gather they have not got as far as ARC yet.  
Can you point me in the right direction in respect of what I need to have a go!
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