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Member postings for blowlamp

Here is a list of all the postings blowlamp has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Another mess
29/09/2023 00:36:32

Do you know anyone with a TIG, or maybe a local fabrication shop that would build it back up for you for a few quid?


Thread: 5 minute cad
28/09/2023 14:24:52
Posted by JasonB on 28/09/2023 09:38:50:

Don't quite know if its a solid block or sheet, but this is F360 cutting it from 5mm sheet. Few tabs to hold it in place and a ramping contour that is constantly lowering the cutter into the work as it goes around. Also included the Post Processor to show how quickly it generates the code.

Agreed - much easier than hand coding.

He'd be better off getting a simple CAM program and spending some time learning to use it.


28/09/2023 00:46:22

I don't know if this might help, I thought you wanted the coordinates of the small arc, but Jason seems to have done the angles. I couldn't work out where the zero point is, so I guessed and used the centre of the large arcs.



Thread: ChatGPT - need we worry?
27/09/2023 23:36:42
Posted by Bill Phinn on 27/09/2023 22:38:37:
Posted by blowlamp on 27/09/2023 22:17:25:
it's clearly stated in the video...

But not, crucially, in the question.

There is simply not enough information in the protasis of the question for any circumspect and experienced answerer of riddles, trick questions, and just plain unsatisfactory questions like this one, to give a safe answer.

Don't take my word for it; there are clearly many people out there who view this question the same way.

It's not a trick question. It's Artificial Intelligence, so it's supposed to know how washing lines work. The three towels are drying at the same time together on the line - at no point is it intimated that they are drying sequentially.

Edited By blowlamp on 27/09/2023 23:50:43

27/09/2023 22:17:25
Posted by Bill Phinn on 27/09/2023 20:55:51:
Posted by blowlamp on 27/09/2023 19:28:23:

There's no mention of the capacity of the support system used to dry the towels, so it doesn't form part of the question.

It should, nonetheless, be considered, by careful respondents at least, in forming an answer.

I would say the ChatGPT answer is not wrong. However, the reasoning it gives for its answer [screenshotted in the video] would not gain it much, if any, credit in an exam.

If, from the wording of the question, you can't presume the washing line is long enough to hold nine towels at once, then what makes you think it's long enough to hold three at once? However, it's clearly stated in the video "if your line is big enough", so the size of the support system is not really part of the question.

27/09/2023 19:28:23
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 27/09/2023 11:02:26:
Posted by Robin Graham on 27/09/2023 00:40:54:
Posted by blowlamp on 25/09/2023 14:29:47:

How long to dry nine towels?

That's really interesting. I think that it shows (as with my crossword clue example) that ChatGPT is not especially good at problem solving. ...

Well, fellow humans, did we watch the nine towels example carefully and then engage brain. Or did we jump to the conclusion that ChatGPT was wrong, because 'obviously' an AI must be more stupid than us?

I suggest that ChatIPT gives the correct answer for the correct reason. It does not assume, as might a foolish human, that a washing line must be capable of supporting 9 towels at the same time. The length of the line is not specified: all that is known for sure is that the line will take 3 towels. Assuming otherwise is unjustified.

This is my sock drier:


If this drier takes 2 hours to dry 18 socks, then how long does it take to dry 54? The answer is 6 hours, as ChatGPT said. Note the red towel behind: the line it's hung from isn't long enough for 9 of them.

Of course, a really smart human will have noticed my drier only holds 17 socks because one of the pegs is missing. So it will take 8 hours to dry 54 socks.

We live in interesting times! Not intelligent to dismiss ChatGPT and Co. because they're not instantly superior today. Worry about how smart AI will in 30 years time, when most of us will be very stupid indeed; that is dead.


Edited By SillyOldDuffer on 27/09/2023 11:02:38

There's no mention of the capacity of the support system used to dry the towels, so it doesn't form part of the question.


25/09/2023 14:29:47

How long to dry nine towels?

Thread: Opinions of Mach3 Turn
21/09/2023 20:12:28

I can't say that I've explored these commands, but this is from the PlanetCNC G-code reference:

G93 - Feed Mode - Inverse Time
Usage: G93
In inverse time feed mode, an F word means the move should be completed in [one divided by the F
number] minutes. When inverse time feed mode is active, an F word must appear on every motion
#<_feedmode> - (RW) current feed mode

G94 - Feed Mode - Units per Minute
Usage: G94
In units per minute feed mode, an F word is interpreted to mean the controlled point should move at a
certain distance per minute.
#<_feedmode> - (RW) current feed mode

G95 - Feed Mode - Units per Revolution
Usage: G95
In units per revolution feed mode, an F word is interpreted to mean the controlled point should move
at a certain distance per spindle revolution. This mode requires RPM feedback from the spindle.
#<_feedmode> - (RW) current feed mode

G96 - Spindle Mode – CSS
Usage: G96
In this mode surface speed is constant and based on cutting diameter. Surface speed is specified in
units per minute. This requires special hardware and is usually not used on simple machines.
#<_spindlemode> - (RW) current spindle mode

G97 - Spindle Mode – RPM
Usage: G97
In this mode the spindle speed is specified in revolutions per minute.
#<_spindlemode> - (RW) current spindle mode

20/09/2023 23:09:50

There's not much choice if you want proper synchronised lathe screwcutting. I think only Acorn, LinuxCNC and PlanetCNC are able to do it.


20/09/2023 15:32:28

You won't look back once PlanetCNC is up and running.

I own a Denford Starturn 8 which is refitted with hybrid drives and motors and it rocks. smiley


18/09/2023 17:00:14

Screwcutting with Mach3 is a waste of time unless you have a large lathe that doesn't vary its spindle speed whilst in a cut. Mach does an initial calculation at the start of the cut and assumes nothing will change during machining of the thread.

I have PlanetCNC and its screwcutting works well and as you would expect, it varies the feedrate in proportion to spindle RPM. I'd never go back to Mach.




Edited By blowlamp on 18/09/2023 17:03:19

Thread: Use of coal, oil and fossil fuels
11/08/2023 21:01:33
08/08/2023 23:34:11
Posted by Bill Phinn on 08/08/2023 23:18:57:
Posted by blowlamp on 08/08/2023 20:45:32:

I don't see how that diminishes the facts of what happened back then.

Bridgen’s comments don’t diminish the facts of the Holocaust: they seek to diminish the suffering of its victims and the moral enormity of those responsible for it.

Ultimately, people who make comments like Bridgen’s or endorse them in pursuit of some far right libertarian agenda diminish themselves.

"...they seek to diminish the suffering of its victims and the moral enormity of those responsible for it."

Where did he do that? Is over 100,000 excess deaths in this country not worth looking at?

I suppose you would be equally outraged if a nuclear weapon were described as more powerful than the one used on Hiroshima - or is that different?


08/08/2023 22:18:15

OK, back on track. Let's say all oil production was halted - what could/would we use as alternatives and what downsides might they have?



Edited By blowlamp on 08/08/2023 22:18:41

08/08/2023 20:45:32
Posted by duncan webster on 08/08/2023 19:37:36:
Posted by blowlamp on 08/08/2023 18:55:51:

A "Covid denier" you say - can you back that up?


Not actual Covid denying, but comparing use of the Vaccine to the holocaust. Feel free to disparage the veracity of the BBC

So he's not a "Covid denier".

He expressed a view about the adverse effects of the vaccines by saying that he thought these effects were “the biggest crime against humanity since the holocaust”. I don't see how that diminishes the facts of what happened back then.

According to official figures, there have been more than 100,000 excess deaths over the last few years and Parliament has made no effort to investigate why. I find this very concerning and back Bridgen for asking the question.


08/08/2023 20:19:53
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 08/08/2023 20:13:53:
Posted by blowlamp on 08/08/2023 19:27:15:
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 08/08/2023 19:07:06:
Posted by blowlamp on 08/08/2023 18:55:51:

A "Covid denier" you say - can you back that up?


The Wikipedia page expresses it a little differently … but I don’t have the stamina to go searching Hansard tonight.


I don't think Wikipedia is very reliable with regard to reputational accuracy.

It is Duncan's accusation, so I assume he has some 'proof'.



Hence my reference [or non-reference if you prefer] to Hansard … the words written there should be definitive.

The whip was withdrawn for a reason.


You're right. The whip was withdrawn because he broke ranks and asked awkward questions.


08/08/2023 19:27:15
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 08/08/2023 19:07:06:
Posted by blowlamp on 08/08/2023 18:55:51:

A "Covid denier" you say - can you back that up?



The Wikipedia page expresses it a little differently … but I don’t have the stamina to go searching Hansard tonight.



I don't think Wikipedia is very reliable with regard to reputational accuracy.

It is Duncan's accusation, so I assume he has some 'proof'.


Edited By blowlamp on 08/08/2023 19:29:02

08/08/2023 18:55:51

A "Covid denier" you say - can you back that up?


08/08/2023 17:04:27
Posted by Ches Green UK on 08/08/2023 16:14:57:

Only about 17% of MPs (in 2021) had a STEM degree ....

Of the 541 MPs with higher education degrees in the 2015-2017 Parliament, only 93 (17%) held degrees in STEM subjects; for comparison, 46% of UK students in 2019 graduated in STEM subjects. This lack of scientific experience among MPs is at odds with the increasing pertinence of scientific issues and techniques to political decision-making. While an array of science-related issues, including climate change, security and privacy issues (related to the further growth of the internet), and sustainability of the healthcare system in the face of demographic change, are increasingly crucial to public policy, some commentators argue they risk being side-lined due to a lack of scientific expertise and interest among parliamentarians.

That % is probably also reflected in the staff they employ.

Although 46% of students are in the STEM field, I suspect the % of the electorate with a STEM background is much lower than that.


Andrew Bridgen is one of only a few in there with any integrity and scientific qualifications. The trouble is that whenever he speaks the rest of them walk out on him. It's quite sickening.


07/08/2023 12:05:14
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 06/08/2023 21:33:26:
Posted by blowlamp on 06/08/2023 13:28:19:

The most efficient ground sourced heat supply we have is oil, coal and wood.


Three wrongs in one sentence! I won't explain why because Brandolini's Law applies.

I'm confident Martin can't justify his claims, but I sure we all want him to try. Watch this space!



They are the most efficient sources because they are readily available and straightforward to process.

If we could extract electricity directly from the ground or wherever, store it indefinitely with little loss and transfer it quickly & easily in dense energy form, then that might be a preferable alternative.

Which more efficient, ground sourced heat supply, alternative fuels are you using to power your existance?


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