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Member postings for David Colwill

Here is a list of all the postings David Colwill has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Calibrating Micrometers
13/11/2020 21:57:31

So here is what Mitutoyo think.

and here is how they think you should calibrate a micrometer.
I watched the series but wasn't too taken with it.
13/11/2020 08:30:41
Posted by Paul L on 13/11/2020 08:15:38:
Posted by Peter Simpson 1 on 13/11/2020 07:41:07:

As a chap that was spent most of his working life in the industrial instumentation and measurment sector. It always amazes me when topic like this raises it's head Model engineering workshop forums, In my workshop whilst using my lathes and milling machines I more than happy if I can machine to better than 0.001. I realize this is my own work and not work for others

Is that metric or imperial Peter? wink 2

That would be nanometers smile p

If the OP is near Nottingham. He is welcome to pop round and check against my slip gauges.



Thread: Barrier Cream
12/11/2020 08:16:37

My barrier cream experiment has finished and the results are in.

Dri-guard is the winner. Nice smell and easily absorbed.

PR88 (smells like marzipan [may be a good thing]) and has a weird texture.

Gloves in a bottle smells awful and was really sticky.

I didn't notice much performance wise but definitely was put off by the others but this is very much a personal thing.

As someone who in the past would not use a barrier cream I am now a convert.



Thread: Plans for updating the archaic forum?
10/11/2020 22:31:14

The owners of the site are very protective of it and don't take kindly to such suggestions. I believe that there are provisions in the terms and conditions to allow heretics that make said suggestions to be tarred and feathered. Expect judgement to be delivered by carrier pigeon.



Thread: Boxford 280 spindle nose runout
09/11/2020 12:45:03

I have had similar experiences with a Denford Easiturn. I machined it smile p



Thread: Rubber mat.
01/11/2020 11:58:48
Posted by Bazyle on 01/11/2020 11:28:53:

You had a 5ft x 3ft clear floor space in your workshop !!!!! Do they sell 18" x 2ft pieces?

Damn it! I must have been burgled. smile p


I looked at the smaller mats but they were nearly as much as the larger ones (on ebay at least).

Jouke van der Veen.

I will probably get another and cut it in half as this seems to be cheaper than buying smaller ones.


01/11/2020 10:41:58

Over the last couple of years I seem to have started to feel the cold a little more. This is particularly bad when my feet get cold.

I bough a rubber mat off ebay for £21.99. It is 5 foot by 3 foot and about 3/8" thick. The sides are bevelled and and it has holes that allow oils swarf and finished components to fall in to.

It has made a huge difference to working on the lathe and I have now ordered another for in front of the bench.

There are a number of people selling these and I have no connection with any of them.



Thread: bore measurement
31/10/2020 08:13:25

The easiest way is to use a three point bore micrometer. The bad news is that they cover a limited range and are hellishly expensive. They do show up used on ebay and you can get lucky.



Thread: Budget CNC
30/10/2020 08:26:16
Posted by mick H on 30/10/2020 08:01:18:
Posted by David Colwill on 29/10/2020 08:32:02:
Posted by mick H on 29/10/2020 07:48:33:

Thanks very much gents. I have sent him all the links. I have a feeling that he might be attracted to the machines oriented towards wood as he has a wood lathe and enjoys the medium.


Oh dear! smile p

Sorry David, have I missed something?


Sorry! Only a tongue in cheek dig at him heading to the dark (brown) side.

29/10/2020 08:32:02
Posted by mick H on 29/10/2020 07:48:33:

Thanks very much gents. I have sent him all the links. I have a feeling that he might be attracted to the machines oriented towards wood as he has a wood lathe and enjoys the medium.


Oh dear! smile p

Thread: Memorable topics discussed on this forum
27/10/2020 09:06:25
Posted by Ady1 on 26/10/2020 16:46:12:

The V12 dean clarke 2 thread

I never follow build threads but this was the exception.

Amazing not only for the standard of work but also the speed that complex items were made.


Thread: Smart and Brown Model L
26/10/2020 13:30:33

In my opinion that sounds very high for what is essentially a project.

Sadly it is quite difficult to offer advice on prices of second hand lathes as condition is everything and this is not always obvious if you are new.

Having said that if you could find a Model A for £500 / 600 That would be not too bad.

Personally I would try to find one that is complete with chucks / collets and or other accessories and is or has been recently used. If you can have it demonstrated all the better.


Thread: Broken Verdict DTI
26/10/2020 11:50:26

Just out of curiosity. Has anyone used the guy mentioned in the Doubleboost videos on youtube?

Just asking as I have a couple that could do with TLC.



Thread: Smart and Brown Model L
26/10/2020 11:45:34

I would have to agree with Andrew.

Unless you were wanting to make the most basic of models I think you would pretty soon hit the limitations of the lathe.

That said S&B are excellent (I have a 1024).

If you have a ton of room and the money is no issue, then as a project to learn on, maybe but demand for such lathes second hand is not great.

A Smart and Brown model A or a 1024 would be a good bet.



Thread: DRO errors, or are they??
25/10/2020 09:27:19

Could you mount one of the scales from the lathe on the mill and compare the two?

This would eliminate any errors from reading dials or tolerances in the screws.



Thread: Tailstock Mechanism
21/10/2020 11:42:56

His series on prototyping is worth watching.


Thread: Milling machine set-up - Is my machine vice flat enough?
18/10/2020 08:00:36
Posted by Martin Connelly on 11/10/2020 17:24:04:

You also need a machinists hammer. Hard rubber, lead or hide for example to drive the workpiece down onto the parallels after the vice is tightened up. After the vice is tight the parallels should be clamped between the workpiece and vice bed, check by seeing if the parallels can be moved with little force from the fingers. This is an easy step to forget in the excitement of making your first parts.

Martin C

Although given that your mill is quite small, a 3 inch length of 3/4 or 1 inch diameter copper bar would be suitable.


Thread: guideway surfaces regrind
14/10/2020 08:28:29
Posted by blowlamp on 13/10/2020 22:08:07:

Have you considered lapping the surfaces?

My first thought too!

You can also use 3M lapping film which is self adhesive. This can be stuck to a piece of ground steel and comes in various grades.



Thread: Home Workshop site
21/08/2020 22:55:49
Posted by Pete Rimmer on 21/08/2020 21:36:18:

Adam, thanks for the update, and your efforts. Homeworkshop is one of my favourite sites and seems to be quite unique in what it does.

Yes my thanks too!



Thread: Workshop Equipment
21/08/2020 16:56:21

A friend of mine has recently bought a machine off one of the suppliers mentioned in the original post. The machine as supplied had a problem with the spindle. The supplier has been very helpful and has offered to take the machine back but this was rejected and new parts were sent out FOC for my friend to fit. Whilst by no means the norm this is not uncommon either.

I mention this only to highlight the fact that in order to benefit from the excellent service you do need to realise that there is a problem. Lathes and milling machines can have quite subtle faults.and those new to the hobby may not be aware of them until it is too late.


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