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Member postings for Metalhacker

Here is a list of all the postings Metalhacker has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Choice of small milling machine
21/12/2009 20:41:46
This thread I find very interesting as I too am contemplating a new Mill. The Arc X3 or super X3 appeal greatly. Has anyone any experience of them and their accuracy. Also is the factory setup worth it or is the rather involved process detailed on their website a useful way of getting to know the intricacies of the machine's assembly. Time is at more of a premium than money, if that is relevant.
Thanks for anyone's thoughts
Thread: Diamomd tool holder
16/09/2009 18:58:32
Bought a Diamond tollholder in 1994 before I left Oz. I cuts like magic on my 918 type lathe. I later noticed a very similar device with screwed height adjustment in a Percival Marshall book of my Dad's dating from the 1930's. Used round HSS and showed how negative rake could be used on Brass etc. There is nothing new under the sun eh! I had never thought of using round HSS in the Diamond however so I will give it a try. Will make finishing cuts much easier.
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