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Member postings for Simon0362

Here is a list of all the postings Simon0362 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Centering Microscope
09/07/2020 09:18:21
Posted by Gary Wooding on 06/07/2020 10:38:37:
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 06/07/2020 08:07:26:

Have a look at this, Mark : **LINK**

When I was in my teens, and blissfully unaware of the problems, I dismantled a pair of binoculars to clean them. Even now, many years later, I well remember the frustrating days I spent re-aligning the prisms. But I eventually managed it.

And I thought I was the only one who had made this mistake - mine, after many hours are 'usable' but nothing like 'right'.

@Michael, thank you (once again) for your ability to find relevant information on the web - I don't think I am any slouch on this subject but you are orders of magnitude ahead of me!

Next rainy day task - dig out binoculars and fix - finally!

Thread: Nozzle Bores
08/07/2020 12:23:47

As for TPU - I find it a very reliable filament! These tyres featured in the latest Ed's Bench were printed in TPU, 3/4" thick, 2 1/2" diameter.



what parameters did you use for the TPU - nozzle and thickness, etc?


Thread: Overseas Distribution to restart
25/06/2020 15:07:15

Neil, good news!

Can you give us due warning when our access to the digital subscriber version will end please - mostly because I have been rationing myself and don't want to discover that there is something left unread!


Thread: Macro-photography
18/05/2020 11:24:52

Many years ago when I was doing my graduate studies in the early 80s, I made a reversal ring for my Minolta XG1 combining the stock 50mm with a stack consisting of a 100-200mm zoom and a 2X and a 3x converter - so 24x magnification I think. All produced using my Unimat with the screw cutting attachment.

This photo is the edge of an EPROM taken through the window in the top for erasing with UV light (wow, that takes me back), probably a 2k version. The top section shows the memory cells, the lower half is the logic and switching part.

eprom scan.jpg

Depth of field was very small,down to a few mm I think, focus and definition clearly (or rather, unclearly) suffering from the multiple bits of glass in the way!

Posted for the sake of interest, no comparison with some of the other stuff posted on this thread.

Thread: Understanding Digital Subscriptions
13/05/2020 10:53:31
Posted by JasonB on 13/05/2020 10:17:04:

A lot of people still prefer to read the mag in paper form, easy to pick up while watching the TV in the arm chair, easy to read the text on one page while looking at a drawing on the opposite one makes it easy to follow a build article, saves printing out pages to take into the workshop which can soon eat up an ink catridge, easier to lay on the desk to look at while maybe drawing it up in CAD than flicking between onscreen images, etc.

Digital's best advantage for me is quick access for a particular item without having to dig out a pile of mags.

Exactly - and I spend the entire day in front of a screen (and on Zoom calls), so paper is really a pleasure at the end of the day.

@Neil, I am an overseas subscriber but I have not received any notifications about suspension of the paper copies, nor how to access anything - can you clarify?


Thread: Thermal fuse reliability
12/05/2020 22:36:23
Posted by Andrew Johnston on 12/05/2020 11:34:16:

My reply rather assumed a solidstate polyfuse rather than a mechanical one. A picture of the offending component would help identification.


Andrew, it is exactly as you assumed. No photos to hand but this is the exact replacement :

it is about the size of a 1W resistor with a tapered end between the body and axial lead at one end.

12/05/2020 10:19:13

@Adrian, yes there is a thermocouple-like device at the opposite end of the airflow (so in the hot air flow) and that appears to function - at least, R varies with applied temperature. The fuse is at the opposite end of the airflow so I think was intended as a cut out if the fan stopped or airflow ceased.

@Stuart, the machine is ~25+ years old so this fits exactly....

Thanks again

11/05/2020 16:05:52


Biggest problem with this one was that the writing had almost faded to nothingness - but you are right, its 240°C, 250Vac and 10A.

And good to catch you responding before reading fully - cheeky


Thanks, you rather confirmed my suspicions. The new one will be crimped into place and following a couple of bench tests, will be returned to operations - if I can remember where all of the screws went!

Thanks for your swift and focused responses - as usual.


11/05/2020 14:46:26

Hi All,

We have a breadmaker that stopped working at the weekend - it did everything it said on the tin apart from actually baking the bread....Once I discovered this minor oversight, I bundled the bread into the main oven and proceeded to investigate.

I assumed that the element was no longer functioning (elementary my dear Watson...) and dismantled the machine to get to see it.

A test of the element connections from the power board suggested that there was indeed an open in the element.

Once I accessed the element (and believe me, this is part #1 of the entire build), I discovered that the element itself was fine but an inline component was O/C.

It looked like a 5W resistor and I assumed it was a thermistor to control the inrush current but it actually turned out to be a thermal fuse rated at 240°C.

I have never come across these devices so I have no idea if they slowly die over the years, nor how sensitive they may be.

With everything out on the bench I jumped the fuse with some wire and watched the unit start up, run the fan and the element for 2 seconds on start up and to operate perfectly.

I have some fuses on order but the questions I am looking for answers are whether this is likely a simple old-age issue (BM was bought in the late 90s) through time or 'n' uses, or whether they are highly reliable and there is another hidden problem...


PS "bin it and buy a new one" responses are not sought....

Thread: Anaerobic adhesive question
24/04/2020 11:21:55
Posted by Michael Cox 1 on 24/04/2020 08:55:47:

For many applications, such as the one being discuss, I prefer to use slow cure epoxy adhesive rather than anaerobic adhesive. This gives plenty of open time and it forms a very strong bond with steel (and most other metals).


Does anyone have any information about the minimum clearance for epoxy? I have had a look on the web but most of the references I can find are vague and rather general.

No actual use in mind today, just a more general query especially regarding the suitability of epoxy in place of HS retainers such as 648.


Thread: Recent conversions of Warco WM18 to CNC?
03/04/2020 14:51:30

Posted by Bandersnatch on 28/03/2020 15:34:09:

OK, I'll ask the question ... how do people "machine the table". Second mill? Take it to a friend?

This is how I did it 10 years ago - from (distant) memory, the big clamps were not the only means of holding the mill table to the lathe's vertical slide


dsc06806 small.jpg

dsc06807 small.jpg

dsc06808 small.jpg

and the result looks like this:

dsc06810 small.jpg

Thread: New design of mains plug?
02/04/2020 11:08:35
Posted by Nicholas Farr on 02/04/2020 10:41:51:

Hi Simon, personally I see no safety aspects of these cards, the instructions a very clear and any fuse rating on the card only tells you what value the plug is supplied with and can be changed. To be frank, if you can't understand how to fit a plug, then you should not attempt to do it. As far as fitting the plug, the wiring is the same regardless of the fuse rating on the card and the card can and should be removed once the plug is fitted, however I see no risk in leaving it on providing the fuse rating stated on the card is the same as that which is fitted in the plug.

Regards Nick.

Ah, not the point I intended to get across.....duh!

I have no issue whatsoever with the printed content on the card, rather the fact that a piece of cardboard is trapped between the plug body and the socket and wondering if it conforms to all the flash and tracking criteria that I believe apply to the plastics used in the plug bodies.

So, how much of a safety (fire?) hazard is a piece of cardboard especially if it became damp is my amended question.


02/04/2020 09:55:28
Posted by Neil Wyatt on 01/04/2020 20:54:20:

Quality plugs come with a card showing how long to cut each wire, so that if the cable pulls out live comes free first and earth is disconnected last.

Slapped wrist for anyone who ignores this! Check your plugs now!

This pic is clearer:

Edited By Neil Wyatt on 01/04/2020 21:01:03

And how many of these plugs have you seen with the card still sandwiched between the plug and socket?

I have often wondered about the potential safety aspects of this card!


Thread: More evidence that the world has gone mad!
03/12/2019 12:19:43
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 03/12/2019 11:23:03:

Older nerds like me fondly remember the Commodore PET, an early USA home computer sold in huge numbers worldwide. At the time most people distrusted computers, and many were terrified. So Commodore carefully chose the name because, in English, 'pet' is an exceptionally cuddly acceptable word. Who wouldn't want a pet?

Alas, they didn't think outside the box. Unfortunately for European sales, pet in French means 'fart'

Keeping it clean is surprisingly difficult. In his poke at 'endorsement', Brian uses the word 'protective'. I'm shocked! Poor old ebay have a desperate need to stop customers posting obscenities. The software they're using is thorough rather than mad. Wonder if it would reject saltwater, weep, teaspoon or rehearse?



I was told a (probably apocryphal) story dating back to the mid 80s and the period when GEC (remember them?) bought Plessey and created a telecoms division known as GPT.

A senior UK manager went to France to talk to the French part of the Plessey business and wondered why his announcement regarding the new company was met with laughter – GPT sounds like J’ai peté in French, translates to “I have farted”.

On a similar note, the recent Audi e-Tron, pronounced in French means ‘turd’, not good for a high end car I guess…

Thread: M&W rules now better...
27/09/2019 14:50:49
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 26/09/2019 15:12:15:

So ... now it’s More & Right

devil MichaelG.

Michael, made my day!

teeth 2

Thread: Substitute for limonene
02/09/2019 22:10:02


Thanks for the professional view, I will try and hunt down some turpentine in our local DIY store and see what happens.

@Steve, everything I have read about support structures suggests that PVA water soluble filament should be used with PLA and associated filaments due to their mutual compatibility and similar melting points. ABS being much hotter to melt is also apparently not very compatible with PVA - they don't stick to each other I believe - that is why HIPS is proposed as the 'soluble' support.

Currently given up on both since I can't make them work with the intricate print I am trying to do....

Many thanks to all for your input and wisdom.

30/08/2019 17:45:05


@ Mike, the information that limonene is a selective solvent for HIPS seems to form part of the supporting documentation for every supplier of filament, e.g. matterhackers and simplify3d

" When being used as a support material, HIPS can be dissolved in d-Limonene, leaving your print free of any markings caused by support removal. "

I am no chemist but I am aware that the two are very similar, hence the search for something that selectively attacks the HIPS.

@ Brian, thanks for the information, I also saw (in a US reference) a suggestion that turpentine could be used - the real stuff, rather than the commonly available substitute.

Thanks for the reference to reprapworld, that may well help!


29/08/2019 14:17:45


hoping some of the more chemically minded folk here will be able to point me at an alternative to R or D-limonene which are apparently the liquids for dissolving HIPS (High Impact Poly Styrene) when using it as a support material.

Buying it here in France looks non trivial as is the price. Added to that, the web seems to think it is not very pleasant to work with.

I have printed an ABS model with HIPS support under the impression that it was easy to dissolve with readily available chemicals, but I am so far sadly disappointed..


Thread: Are there any left?
23/08/2019 12:34:49
Posted by Neil Wyatt on 22/08/2019 18:43:29:

There was a good one in Morgan Arcade, Cardiff. I still have some of the boards I bought there to snarf parts off, around 1980.


Guess you would remember John Hall tools as well -think it was Morgan Arcade but it might have been one of the others around there. A constant source of things in those days as well as their industrial place underneath one of the motorway (?) flyovers. My main source of materials was a model shop on the western outskirts of Cardiff that did ME stuff as well including ST D10 castings.

Interesting days...!

Thread: Steam powered RC aircraft
30/07/2019 14:45:47

Try reading "Experimental Flash Steam" (Benson and Raymon), chapter 4 contains a couple of pages and drawings about a flash steam plant built by HH Groves - including a contemporary description (1916). Later in 1936 a set of plans for a complete plant weighing 5oz was published in ME (apparently).

Prof. Chaddock apparently built a replica 'many years' after the original.


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