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Member postings for Michael Smith 26

Here is a list of all the postings Michael Smith 26 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Warco BH600G - Motor hums but won't start
28/03/2022 21:36:40

Hey everyone - sorry work is crazy and wife is travelling so solo parenting and it turns out toddlers don't pay much attention to DST clock changes at bed time.

I got the motor off last night - definite hum coming from it and no motion so figured it was a cap. Fortunately had managed to order all the bits so after taking it off and checking the caps with a multimeter the run cap was barely registering any capacitance. It had taken a bit of time to get up to full speed when it started so figure they were just old and spent.

Wired the new caps in - clamped the motor to a small table next to the lathe and rewired in the power and it started first time on a test run without the hum. Unfortunately the run capacitor I'd sourced was the correct voltage and microfarad rating but much larger than the original - quick search tells me I'm going to struggle to find a replacement in the correct dimensions (it's a CD60 but all the ones I found online were much bigger) so going to need to bend and weld some sheet metal to create a new cover or experiment with 3D printing in ABS.

Decided that whilst I have the motor off I might as well bite the bullet - so called Newton Tesla today and put in an order for a 2hp 3 phase motor, VFD, potentiometer and small screen I can mount to the VFD enclosure to show hz/rpm. Living on the coast I don't really want the VFD out in the open.

Going to wire those back into the lathe control box and turn the single phase motor into a belt grinder since they cost as much as a small lathe and it'll be good to build the bits myself using the new (to me) lathe.

Edited By Michael Smith 26 on 28/03/2022 21:37:40

Edited By Michael Smith 26 on 28/03/2022 21:38:25

23/03/2022 21:53:52

Thanks Hopper!

Chuck turns by hand and the humming sound is definitely coming from the motor. I'm not looking forward to taking it off to check!

23/03/2022 20:52:27

Hi all,

Me again - I ordered some Warco headstock oil and slideway oil which arrived today. I oiled everything up then had to do a bit of troubleshooting to get the lathe up and running since a safety switch wasn't triggering so had no power to the motor. Once I'd sorted that out I started having a bit of a play with the lathe - turned some brass down and was generally having a good time.

Stopped the lathe and decided to try turning down a bit of mild steel - swapped that out in the chuck then went to start the lathe and the motor began humming but wouldn't spin.

Just wondering if anyone has any advice on what the issue might be - I'm thinking blown start capacitor but could it be anything else and where am I best to start troubleshooting the issue?

Any advice gratefully received!



Thread: Setting up a Warco BH600G
20/03/2022 12:49:08

Can anyone tell me which oils I should buy - was drained for transport so bit stumped on what to get and where to get it from before I test it? Thanks!

19/03/2022 19:33:19

Mine has just arrived - was expecting it next week but the seller called this afternoon and asked if he could drop it off - fortunately I'd just cleared a space for it in the workshop when he called. 3/4 ton engine hoist was used to lift it into position.

It had levelling feet on the bottom of the stand and I don't know what I did in a previous life to deserve this but putting a level across the bed shows it's perfect in both directions with no tweaking needed. It doesn't appear to have any easy way to bolt it to the floor so I'm going to have to bend a few pieces of flat steel and shape them into a bracket, good excuse to fire up the forge! Will probably drill and resin some threaded rod into the concrete floor and then bolt down to that then drill through the cabinet and bolt the bracket that way.

I didn't get to see the lathe before purchase so was a bit nervous but the only two issues I've seen are about 5 thous backlash on the crossfeed and the catch for the electrics cabinet is broken - given it was manufactured in 2003 I'm pretty happy with that.

Was very dirty when it arrived - definitely not as pretty as yours Geoff - lots of dust, old oil and a lot of swarf still in place - unfortunately I believe the previous owner passed away and it's sat for quite a long time until it sold. Cleaned the oil tray and cabinets that make up the stand with a bit of scotch bright - but will need to give the lathe itself a good clean.

One bit of drama during setup - the seller was bolting it to the stand and got one bolt in then unfortunately cut himself pretty nastily on the top edge of the backstop for the left hand cabinet door - bit of a mad dash to get him a dressing and some steri strips then had to go deal with the kids so haven't had a chance to finish bolting it to the stand yet - definitely running a file over the top of the backstop for the cabinet doors since they're sharp as a razor.

Will post a couple of pics once it's up and running!

Edited By Michael Smith 26 on 19/03/2022 19:35:01

Edited By Michael Smith 26 on 19/03/2022 19:35:35

18/03/2022 15:28:39

Thanks everyone - crazy week at work so just catching up!

Geoff thanks for the great pictures - I've definitely got the clutch on my todo list - looks within my wheelhouse (just about) to do that.

On the VFD - mine is a single phase - from what I've read I won't be able to fit a VFD without also switching to a 3ph motor, is that correct?

16/03/2022 14:41:27

Thanks all - Adrian I've just sent you a PM with my details

16/03/2022 12:53:49


If any of you have been following my last thread - I've just purchased a Myford ML7 and a Warco BH600G. The Myford I'm fairly confident around setting up since it's easy enough to use and for two people to shift - so if I need to rejig that'll be pretty straightforward.

The Warco is about 3x the weight and I don't currently have an engine hoist - so once it's delivered I'll have access to a hoist for the initial setup and want to make sure I site it and configure it correctly.

Couple of questions:

1. Should I site it against a wall or give myself some space behind to be able to access the back of it? My workshop is basically a detached double garage with two long sloped ceiling rooms either side of the main space so I do have a bit of space to play with.

2. Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the manual from? There's a previous thread in the forum from 2016 but unfortunately the links in it are dead.

3. Any hints or tips around initial setup? It comes with a cabinet that includes feet I can level it with - I assume I'm going to want to get the cabinet in position, level it and check with a spirit level then lift the lathe on top. Anything else I need to be aware of?

4. I've found some of the great resources on GWH Engineering's website around potential mods for the future when I'm feeling ready to tackle them - any other resources for this lathe that are worth looking at?



Edited By Michael Smith 26 on 16/03/2022 12:54:45

Edited By Michael Smith 26 on 16/03/2022 12:57:01

Thread: First Lathe - Colchester Triumph (1960s roundhead) vs Warco WM250v
15/03/2022 14:02:24

My wife is going to murder me - just put a deposit down on the Warco BH600G and arranged delivery for a couple of weeks 😬

14/03/2022 23:58:53

Ha - now I'm conflicted - a local garage tools for sale FB group has listed a 240vWarco BH600G for sale near me for £1450 that looks at first glance in fairly good condition. I may end up acquiring two lathes in very short order then selling the one I like least.

14/03/2022 23:40:41

Thanks both! I got a copy of the Myford Series 7 Manual thrown in with the lathe along with a set of carbide cutting tools and I purchased The Amateur's Lathe last week so already have both books sat on my bookshelf.

The lathe is home now but I have no way of lifting it out of the car boot until I can get some help at the weekend - not sure my wife would appreciate being asked to help move it so I'll keep myself entertained reading them this week.

Have a bit of 2" oak countertop going spare too so may knock up a quick bench for it using that until I can get a solid steel base laser cut for it.

14/03/2022 21:57:25

Thanks! Afraid not on the gearing - 60 and 65 but no 63.

14/03/2022 21:34:30

Hey all,

Just a quick update to say I ended up purchasing the Myford ML7. I saw it this evening and the bed, gears and ways were pretty much pristine. The cross feed dial did have some backlash - falling back exactly 10 thousands of an inch which isn’t ideal but I can compensate for that.

The owner let me have a good 20 minute play turning down some brass rod and I think I’m hooked. First time getting to use a lathe myself.

Unfortunately it didn’t have the 127 tooth metric gear (largest was 97) but for the moment I’ve got something, I can learn on it and hopefully it’ll be relatively easy to sell when I’m looking to upgrade.

Had a great chat with Malcolm from Pennyfarthing too - he is a very interesting (in a good way) guy. Going to drop him an email as he said he can put a few feelers out for me so may decide to upgrade fairly quickly - looking forward to getting this home and bolted to the bench. Think I’ll try a few bearings then maybe a spinning top as my first projects then I might try fitting a cheap DRO from one of the Chinese drop shippers to make working in metric easier.

Thanks for all the advice and I’m sure I’ll be back asking more questions.



Edited By Michael Smith 26 on 14/03/2022 21:45:30

14/03/2022 13:09:50

Hi Pete,

I'm afraid that link isn't working - any chance you could pop it in the thread again?



13/03/2022 17:39:17

Just spoke to the current owner of the Myford and I'm off to see it tomorrow evening - he purchased it 6 years ago from an old engineer who'd passed away - it was apparently pretty greasy/dirty so it has been stripped, cleaned and repainted.

The old motor gave out last year and the new one was wired in. He's let me know that he didn't rewire in the reverse on the motor so I'd need to do that myself. He used it to build a steam engine and completed the project last year - hasn't used it much since hence the sale as he's looking to downsize.

I'm not massively familiar with Myford - is £850 reasonable if its in decent shape given current prices?

13/03/2022 08:34:35

That same Myford has just gone up on FB marketplace for £850 so pinged the seller a message on that too - that is pretty tempting particularly if they’re willing to accept an offer.

13/03/2022 01:06:31

Thanks everyone - appreciate all the feedback and sorry for the delay in responding I've been wrangling kids all day. On the Boxford - it looks absolutely stunning but I have a 2 year old, a 4 year old and a very busy schedule. Kings Lynn is 6.5 hours each way without stopping and I wouldn't be able to take anyone with me to help me load so think the logistics make it a bit too difficult which is a real shame - as I'd definitely be interested in it otherwise. Unless there's anyone on the forum or anyone is aware of a company that specialises in removal, loading and palletised delivery? Guessing that would be pretty expensive though.

Dave - really appreciate you pointing me towards the lathes on Project Machinery - that WM250 with the DRO looks pretty interesting for the money and Richard's website says he can arrange delivery. Depending on the delivery cost that might be a good option so I've sent him a text. I'll also follow up on the Simonet Atlantic on Monday too - think my other concern with that would be a lack of confidence when it comes to disassembling it as website states I'll have to arrange that part myself. With the Colchester the original owner would have been able to help me disassemble and load but I'd have to figure those parts out myself.

Hopper - thanks for the comments on the ML7 - that's only 40 minutes from me so I've messaged the seller to ask for a history and the nice thing with that is I can just throw it in the back of my pickup so transport is straightforward and assuming no one bids it up too high it'd leave a fair bit in the kitty for other stuff.

11/03/2022 13:05:25

Actually have spotted something of interest - a Myford ML7 in Newquay that's currently for sale on eBay with a £900 starting price and new motor - link here

11/03/2022 13:01:17

Oh I absolutely wasn't planning on purchasing that Tony - just pinging it in here for reference.

Edited By Michael Smith 26 on 11/03/2022 13:01:29

11/03/2022 12:30:00

Looks like I'd be in similar territory to the Colchester with this one - given it's an older machine. There's a single pic on his FB page and he's just sent me a second by DM. £2000 asking price and welcome to come have a play with it

Edited By Michael Smith 26 on 11/03/2022 12:40:16

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