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Member postings for Malcolm Weightman

Here is a list of all the postings Malcolm Weightman has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Harrison M250 single phase to 3 phase power supply
08/06/2021 09:26:44

I have just got a Harrison M250 3ph 415V 0.9KW/1.2Hp lathe. I want to run it off a single phase mains supply and understand that I need a converter of some kind to do this (rather than have to deal with wiring and possible motor change)

I'm getting a bit confused over options. I was thinking of using a Clarke PC20 2hp converter (feedback from some purchasers suggest ok for lathe use, however Clarke state that its not suitable for stop/start use even though it will be only used for light hobby use)

I'm not up to speed (no pun intended!) yet with the variable frequency devices such as the following:

I'm looking to spend about £250 maximum (hopefully) Can anyone advise please?

Thread: Harrison M250
04/06/2021 13:31:57

It took me a few minutes to work out how to post the image. Thanks for the many replies. I'll try the Colchester route and Googling the ball stud bolt option.

04/06/2021 13:30:28


04/06/2021 10:47:11

Hi all, Newbie here and hopefully I'm in the right area. I've just got hold of a Harrison M250 which was dropped off a pallet and part number 904037 (from the Harrison manual snapped) Its got a ball joint and hex on it, so not easy to make without CNC lathe and miller. I've tried looking around, but as someone new to this I cant find anything. Any suggestions welcome and many thanks if you can.

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