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Member postings for Michael Johnson 6

Here is a list of all the postings Michael Johnson 6 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Oh dear - not quite right - again!
18/05/2023 19:55:37

Sorry, I must have clicked into the wrong forum. I thought this was a Model Engineering Forum, but it seems to be an English language revision forum. If you want to question the literacy of people I suggest you go to Facebook. Almost every post there has spelling or grammatical errors. Some to the point of being almost unintelligible.

How does that oft quoted (mis-quoted?) line from the bible read? "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her" (John chapter 8 v3-7)

16/05/2023 20:31:33

It's not just ME magazine. On the BBC news this evening Clive Myrie announced that the Dambusters (617 Squadron) were based at RAF SCRAMPTON. As with the previous post there is a rogue letter R in there. It's SCAMPTON! I should know as I was involved in the runway refurbishment a few years ago while the Red Arrows were still based there.

Thread: ME4717 Miscollation
16/05/2023 20:25:13

I see from an email received earlier today that they are going to do a reprint and distribute in the next few days. Probably not really required as I expect most have done what I did and removed the staples and re-assembled in the correct order??

15/05/2023 14:02:57

Here here!. Just taken it all apart, re-ordered and re-stapled. Nice little challenge for a Monday morning!

Thread: Hello from East Northamptonshire
22/10/2021 15:06:16

Thanks everyone for the welcome. It's great to know that the Model Engineering world is a friendly and helpful place.

21/10/2021 20:58:59

Hello all,

I'm Mike and I've recently bought a quite old Myford Super 7 that seems to be in quite reasonable condition. I was planning (rather too ambitiously" to build a 2" or 3" traction engine, but after looking at the set of drawings that i bought, it's not a realistic plan at the moment - mainly due to overall cost and (boiler - best part of £3000) and a two year wait. Also not sure that the Myford Super 7 is really big enough for a project of that size and complexity and not currently having a milling machine. So I have a bought a Tom Senior kit from "The Engineers Emporium" and have made a start. I may well be asking questions on this forum for some tips on how to machine certain components. Although I am a time served Mechanical Engineer I have never done milling operations on a small lathe, so that might well be an area that I need advice. I would also be interested to have details of a model engineering club within a reasonable distance that is not focussed solely on model railways - no offence but I'm not really interested in that aspect, although many of the processes and techniques etc would no doubt be the same for what I am doing.

Thread: Cleaning glass.
15/10/2021 14:26:44

The best product that I have found is Auto Glym Fast Glass. - spray on and wipe off with a clean micro-fibre cloth.

Thread: What is it?
15/01/2021 11:08:16

Thanks all for your rapid replies. I'll follow the link above to work out how to use it.

Take care.

14/01/2021 13:46:48


I bought a second hand Myford super 7 lathe recently and the item in the photo came with it. I have no idea what it is or what it would be used for. Presumably something for model engineering as the chap I bought the lathe from was into making model loco's.lathe accessory.jpg

Thread: Boiler for 2" Traction Engine
14/12/2020 09:10:04

Thanks guys. That's a great help. It seems that most of the clubs local (ish) to me focus mainly on Railway modelling, but presumably the boiler processes are the same as for TE's

11/12/2020 13:13:12

Has anyone got a recommendation for a company to make a boiler for a 2" Traction Engine please. The drawings suggest that copper will be fine. It needs to have all the relevant paperwork with it.


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