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Member postings for David-Clark 1

Here is a list of all the postings David-Clark 1 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Messed up thread
15/04/2022 18:19:45

Is that an example of Sod’s law?

Thread: Measure twice — Cut once
15/04/2022 18:16:41

I just noticed I got my Avatar back. Unfortunately I am a bit older now so it is out of date.

15/04/2022 18:15:08

I remember making some repair kits for £2,000,000 + power boats. Design flaw, testing on a lake in Switzerland the boat hit a “bit”of floating wood and ripped the transom out. I think we made 25 of theses repair kits that were fibreglassed into the transom

Thread: Messed up thread
15/04/2022 18:04:41

Probably Neils ’thread only. Perhaps editing email address did it.

15/04/2022 17:56:57

Have they been modifying the forum?

I keep getting subscription notices over the last post stopping me from posting.

Thread: Interesting Archive
12/04/2022 18:55:49

Been waiting for almost 2 years.

12/04/2022 09:39:45

I think my problem now is one eye is almost covered with a large cataract and the other is usable with glasses.

The real problem though is everybody has a short attention span.

Thread: 3D-CAD Package Shootout - Cotton Reel Example
12/04/2022 09:02:02

Very interesting, watching.

Thread: Interesting Archive
12/04/2022 08:16:04

How did you download them.

I think the lack of this sort of magazine contributes to a society with no interest in how things work.

I did not remember reading Practical Mechanics but as soon as I saw the editors name, F J Camm, it came flooding back to me.

11/04/2022 09:36:54

That is a blast from the past. I took Practical Electronics for years and Everyday Electronics as I well.

Looking forwatd to a good read.

Everything I read brings back something long buried in my mind.

Thread: DRO readouts freezing when adding second scale
11/04/2022 09:24:27

Can you get Warco to check the scales for you? Or better still someone local to check the scales with their readout although you is need to be sure they don’t melds up someone’s readouts.

Warco someone might do a cheap compatible box/ you could buy to test the scales?

11/04/2022 09:08:37

Ship it all back to Warco!

10/04/2022 17:14:12

Have you tried reversing the scale connections, x to y, y tox?

Thread: Best Budget 3D Cad software
09/04/2022 17:43:54

Hi Jason

Sounds like a plan.

The reason for the budget is I am living off £198 a week pension. Not because I don’t want to spend out, I can’t at the moment.

Thread: MEW, ME, RCM&E and Model Boats under new ownership.
09/04/2022 10:50:46

One aspect of the change of ownership is the plans service. Will it transfer to the new owners or stay where it is?

Also what about older incorporated magazines like English Mechanics and magazines like Model6 Railways and Model Railway News?

Thread: Best Budget 3D Cad software
09/04/2022 10:44:47

Hi t,here

looks like I opened a can of worms.

I respect copyright and would not use something I did not have the rights to.

I think there was a misunderstanding about, what I wanted to do with 3D CAD.
I wanted to illustrate articles about how to design components and use a 3D printer, not teach 3D design. Then components would probably be cast from the 3D patterns. Nothing would be sold but I would get paid fo my articles.

The new publishing company is undoubtedly a multimillion £ company and would be a likely target for Fusion Soft to go after. Not me probably.

07/04/2022 16:03:40

I have not made up my is just that I have quite a few drawings in d for and turbo cad format I want to access. Most of what I want to do can be done with 2D and add the z axis manually.

I have a lot of industry cad cam experience but out of date.

I thank I started out with draftc, a shareware program from 20 odd years ago.

07/04/2022 15:15:10

I think I will dig out my old Turbo Cad 3D version 21. Sounds a lot less trouble.

Assuming I can find my licence code in 20 years of back emails.

07/04/2022 11:41:25

Thank you Alan, I will do, Very early days yet. For what I want to do, 3D printing will be the way to start.

Thread: UK plans eight new nuclear reactors to boost production
07/04/2022 11:36:10

I hope they do netter than they did back in the 1970s. I worked on a Bridgeport mill next to someone who was making telescopic arms for Windfrith nuclear establishment in Dorset. They were large stainless tubes about 5 inches diameter. Every so often you heard “shit” followed by a bit of riveting where he had drilled a hole wrong and had to fill it.

I knew this was wrong but did not know why or even what nuclear energy was back in those days.

any system is only as safe as the weakest link.

And the weakest link is “Boris”.

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