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Member postings for Hattie Goodale

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Thread: Can Anyone Help Me to Identify This Very Old Boiler Please?
16/08/2019 12:00:33

Hello all

Thank you very much indeed for your input. Some very interesting food for thought here. I'm not really super keen to sell this item. My partner was a hoarder of antiques and curio; he passed away recently and I've inherited a huge amount of stuff. I love the stuff - it's all interesting and unique like he was, and if I had the choice I'd keep it all. But I will soon have to move out of the house we shared, so some things just have to go.

I am in the UK, here is the link to my eBay listing: **LINK**

Jason, am I right in understanding you believe the outer wall to be hollow, and that that's where the water goes? This is very interesting, had not even occurred to me as a possibility, and will require an edit to my eBay listing which states that it's solid cast iron. I have been scratching my head wondering where the water goes, I thought it must have had an inner tank which has been lost.

I wonder whether I even have the boiler listed in the right category? I originally listed it under Antiques > Other Antiques (seemed like a handy catch-all/cop-out), but I later moved it to Toys and Games > Steam

Really appreciate everyone's input. It's so kind of you to put your thinking caps on and offer your thoughts and observations when you don't know me from Adam and I have nothing to offer you in return. You are a lovely friendly and helpful lot and I'm grateful to you


16/08/2019 02:34:19

Dear bill, Clive, Dave, Pete, Jason

Thanks for your thoughts. Can't say i understand all of your conversation, but interesting and enlightening nonetheless. The body of the boiler is cast iron about an inch thick. The taps are brass. The top chimney looks like a later addition, as it lifts off to reveal about four inches of pipe with a thread, but the chimney is about an inch wider in diameter than the pipe so it does not screw on, it just sits on top of the tank. I can only post photos here that are already online (on eBay), so I can't show you that. I have added here a photo of the inside, which is completely hollow - I suppose it must be missing maybe a copper water tank? As there is currently nowhere for it to hold water. There is a grate for fuel which comes in two so that it can be lifted out of the door.

Thanks again to all for your input, much appreciated.


14/08/2019 16:43:34

Ah sorry I forgot, size is roughly 32 inches tall (including chimney), by 10 inches diameter. Thanks for replying.


14/08/2019 04:13:44

Please can anyone tell me anything about this boiler? I know nothing and have scoured the internet to no avail. I need to talk to a real person with real knowledge and experience. There is no maker's plate or identifying mark. I feel like it must be quite old as it has some very archaic features, for example the sliding cast iron balls to control the uppermost valve. I have always assumed it's from a steam engine - is this correct? How old might it be? What was its purpose? How did it work? Is it British or perhaps from another country? Who could have made it? And finally how much might I reasonably expect to sell it for? Any and all information would be most gratefully received. Many thanks in advance


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