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Member postings for Guy Robinson

Here is a list of all the postings Guy Robinson has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Using wood on a metal lathe
15/09/2018 11:51:55
Can you use wood on a metal lathe or is it not a good idea?
Thread: Mosaic Mini lathe
10/09/2018 08:25:00
What are members thoughts about the Mosaic Mini lathes?
Its slightly at the cheaper end of the market at £365.That's within my budget.
Thread: Cost of mini lathes
09/09/2018 13:52:05
How much does a basic mini lathe cost to buy? Is there a second hand market or not?
Thread: Beginner
08/09/2018 16:45:39
From getting advice from people this week it seems I have got a lot to learn about mini lathes.I am going to do the Axminster introductory course and then take things from there.Thankyou for everybody's advice this week.
Thread: Mini lathe speed
07/09/2018 08:56:45
How do you know what speed to run the mini lathe at?
Do some operations or types of materials require faster speeds than others?
Thread: Best type of material to use for beginners
03/09/2018 13:32:07
What's the best type of material to use in a mini metal lathe for a beginner?
Thread: New to mini lathes
03/09/2018 08:00:48
I am a complete beginner to model engineering.I am thinking of doing an introductory course on how to use a mini lathe safely.Has anybody got any advice for me?
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