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Member postings for Ron Laden

Here is a list of all the postings Ron Laden has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Chassis suspension..?
09/05/2018 14:09:47

Good question Hacksaw, that had crossed my mind.

I remember looking over a 0-4-0 at a show last year which had sprung axle boxes/blocks, they housed the axle bearing and had two vertical channels machined from top to bottom, one each side of the blocks. The chassis 1/8" steel side frames had a square U shape machined in them which the blocks slid up and down in with two springs mounted at the bottom of the block.

Would I be correct in thinking that the channels in the block sides would have additional clearance to allow the blocks to tilt in and out - top and bottom allowing the angle of axle to change with the movement of the suspension.



09/05/2018 08:54:27

Morning guys,

Yet another beginners question.. sorry.

The 5 inch electric 0-4--0 loco I am designing/building I currently have as a fixed chassis (no axle suspension). I can appreciate that sprung axles can give better running but is it essential or is fixed ok...?

The wheel base I have is 11 inch using 3.1/4" wheels.

Many thanks



Thread: Brakes..?
07/05/2018 18:59:56

Hi John,

At some point I will be building a riding trolley and will be needing brakes for that. I never gave aluminium a thought but I can see how it would work and its good to know that your experience shows very little wear. Similar to your pattern I was thinking of a machined ring of material and cutting/shaping them from that. Your casting is a great idea though as you have the full shape of the eight shoes built in and it just needs cutting into individual shoes...very good.






Edited By Ron Laden on 07/05/2018 19:01:48

07/05/2018 11:42:31

Thanks guys.

I have a lot to learn as you can see..blush Thanks Bazyle it sounds as if I will be ok with the braking from the controller.



07/05/2018 08:18:34

Morning guys.

Could you tell me what is a good material for brakes shoes..? I am designing and scratch building a 5 inch electric 0-4-0 shunter type loco. I was thinking of a simple lever system for the brakes with the brake lever in the cab.

Would delrin work ok for the shoes..? Also could I get by with just two shoes working on the rear wheels..?

Many thanks




Edited By Ron Laden on 07/05/2018 08:19:26

Edited By Ron Laden on 07/05/2018 08:20:44

Edited By Ron Laden on 07/05/2018 08:21:38

Edited By Ron Laden on 07/05/2018 08:22:12

Thread: Interference fit
06/05/2018 12:53:37

Thank you Jason, thats something I didnt know about the oilites and the H8 listing is very useful.



Thread: Model engineering suppliers
06/05/2018 10:16:39

Thanks guys,

Macc and EKP are just what I was looking for.



Thread: Interference fit
06/05/2018 10:00:40

Thank you Hopper


06/05/2018 09:41:19

Hi guys,

A beginners question if I may.

I have some oilite bushes to fit to chassis side plates plus pinion gears to fit to motor shafts. Can you tell me what dimensions I should aim for to give a good interference fit.



Thread: Model engineering suppliers
06/05/2018 09:30:16

Good morning guys,

Can anyone point me to any suppliers of modelling materials i.e fastenings, rivets, materials etc where you can purchase the quantities you need rather than full boxes of 100 etc.



Thread: 5 inch 0-4-0 Shunter
03/05/2018 17:29:28

Thanks Neil, Duncan, Perko and Dave, I have learnt a lot from your posts and it is much appreciated.

I have had a change of mind re the drive and the motors I was going to use. I was going with 2 x 12 volt 145 watt motors and chain drive but as Duncan suggested I have been looking at successful designs and seeing how they are powered.

Over the last couple of days I have been reading up and watching lots of video on the Maxitrack Planet 0-4-0 loco which seems to be a very capable little engine..

The Planet is powered by a single 12 volt battery driving 4 x 60 watt motors with 2 driving each axle via spur gears fixed to the inside of two of the wheels. Maxitrack say it achieves 6mph and can pull 4 adults.

Most of the time I will be pulling myself and our two great grand daughters which including the trolley and the loco I estimate will amount to 220kgs.

So basing this on Maxitracks figures and the calculations and workings you guys gave me I am hopeful that 240 watts should be more than adequate for good running.



02/05/2018 10:01:34

Interesting Neil, a lot more to it than I thought, how do you calculate what drawbar pull a loco has..?


30/04/2018 08:50:01

Two more questions if I can.

I am purchasing the wheels and axles and the wheels are to GL5 profile, can you tell me what the back to back measurement should be. Is it a set dimension for 5 inch or can other factors give some variation..?

Also I guess that chassis suspension makes for better running but is it essential on a 0-4-0 shunter type..?

Many thanks


Thread: Hello from Devon
30/04/2018 06:22:47

Thanks Frank, Cyril and Lionel.

Cyril does the North Devon Society have a website I cant seem to find one..?



29/04/2018 17:09:28

Thanks Brian


Thread: 5 inch 0-4-0 Shunter
29/04/2018 15:47:44

Thanks Bazyle for the tips, very useful.

At the moment I am leaning towards chain drive and the option of different size pinion gears will be relatively easy to do. That is a really good idea, to be honest I hadnt given that a thought so thanks.

I am also looking at having just a single 12 volt battery feeding both motors via the controller in parallel, dont know if that as any problems but that was my thoughts.



Thread: Hello from Devon
29/04/2018 15:35:40

Thanks Bazyle, I will see if I can get over to Exeter, its not that far from me I live just outside Barnstaple.


29/04/2018 13:33:33

Thank you David, much appreciated.


Thread: 5 inch 0-4-0 Shunter
29/04/2018 09:19:12

Hi guys,

I am new here so firstly I would just like to say hello.

I am designing a 5 inch electric 0-4-0 shunter type loco and gathering all the information I can. I,m sure I will have a lot of questions I hope you can help with.

To start, I am planning on using 2 x 12 volt - 145 watt - 2400rpm motors, one driving each axle, I am hoping to pull one adult and two children. Will these motors be able to cope with that load, from what I have read and seen I,m hoping they will.

The wheels I was planning to use have a tyre circumference of 10 inches. If my calculations are correct then a wheel rpm of 528 would be required for 5 MPH.

With the motors having a maximum speed of 2400 rpm this would mean a gear ration of 1 to 4.5 would this be ok for good running ?

Appreciate any help or comments on this.



Thread: Hello from Devon
29/04/2018 08:39:52

Good morning,

I am a new member based in Devon and just popped in to say hello.

I am in the process of designing a scratch built electric 5 inch 0-4-0 shunter type loco and currently gathering all the info I can. Apart from a pillar drill I have no machining facilities so machined parts will have to be bought in. I do however have a good selection of engineering hand tools and plan to produce what ever parts I can.... chassis/body etc.

I have visited the Tiverton Model Engineers club track and the guys I met were very helpful., I will join the club shortly.

I am going to have lots of questions and hope you guys may be able to help.



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