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Member postings for nathan talbot

Here is a list of all the postings nathan talbot has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Lathe protection
16/07/2021 13:37:40

Hello Everyone

I’ve recently moved to a new home but i have not as yet got a decent garage for may lathe to call home, so it is currently in a relatively new shipping container that i have hired on my premises have a mid-type lathe being a Harrison M250

Everything is fine at the moment, but I’m worried about possible condensation in the winter and damp in general.

I’m going to build a timber frame around it and clad it in marine OSB Board, to protect it in general as I have a lot of other stuff in there at the moment, but I was wondering what’s the best way to protect it,

I oil the ways and everything else pretty regularly

Do I totally enclose the lathe?

Can i I completely wrap it in cling film to keep the damp air out?

I know ventilation is key but I cant cut anymore vents into the container as its hired, there are some vents but air doesn’t move that well in there as it stinks of petrol when I open the door (have my kit car in there also)

I’m trying to avoid putting de-humidifiers and heaters in as this will get expensive

Has anyone got any suggestions?

Thread: Harrison m250
24/01/2017 14:57:07

thanks for all the info guys

20/01/2017 13:32:54


I own a Harrison M20 lathe and am looking at obtaining and fitting a DRO system on the lathe

I am a complete novice in regards to mechanical engineer but am desperate to learn all I can

Has anyone here fitted one to a such a lathe and what systems would you all recommend there seems to be many on eBay but as always im looking to get hold of a quality system so any recommendations would be great


Thread: Deckel fp1
13/07/2016 21:26:42

Hi everyone

I have finally have begun to clean up rebuild my deckel fp1

I've began with removing the headstock to which was full of grease , to which I thought wasnt right upon completely removing it I then saw there was a small Ali surround around the drive cog upon closer inspection there looks like there there are some fibre gaskets either side I suspect they are worn and that's why there is no oil but grease in the headstock I want to replace them and then use oil but I'm not sure what I can replace them with anybody have any idea can I get new or is there something else I can use

Thread: Deckel FP1 accessories
03/05/2016 11:45:09


I have just become the owner of an early time Deckel FP1 universal mill

unfortunately the machine has come without a lot of the accessories that I know are available, it currently has only the vertical head so I am looking to see if I can obtain them, I know this machine is pretty rare but can anyone offer some advice as to where I can look

also there are later versions of this machine will attachments from a newer machine fit an older type, the reason being is I have seen a few items on the US and German ebay sites and providing the prices are ok may be tempted to get something shipped here

Thread: purchasing
21/01/2016 12:59:15

Hi guys

can anyone suggest any material stickists or off cuts suppliers in the bristol area


Thread: Dekel fp1
31/12/2015 09:26:54

Hi guys

I've managed to buy the machine and am now trying to figure out the best way of powering the machine as I don't have three phase I know you have mentioned it above but do you have so piccies and more details like I have said I'm a complete novice so am unsure on a lot of things

Also the original motor is huge and makes it difficult for space apparently others have mounted new motors to the side have anyone done this?



27/12/2015 12:19:05

Hi Guys

THanks for all the info a lot to digest

upon closer insepection the machine just has the vertical head which is run off the main 3 phase unit so i am really unsure what to do I am a complete novice and i also no very little about converting the 3 phase so im starting to think this machine may not be for me at the price??


24/12/2015 17:11:32

It has the vertical head with it and a clarkson autolock chuck but thats it i know there are lots of other kit for them but that is why i expect its 1000 i also have to convert to single phase

24/12/2015 16:55:01


Ive been offered a deckel FP1 milling machine, but its going to cost around 1000

the machine appers to be in good working order and i am going to have a good look at it on viewing just wanted to see if this is a reasonable price

I think its a later machine that has the lever speed control not the dials, they have a good rightup on

just wanted to see if would be a good buy


Thread: General advice needed
17/12/2015 15:43:45


the vibration seems to be comming when im cutting, i can feel it throughthe leadscrews?

16/12/2015 13:42:46

Hi guys

Yes julian that is exactly what i meant,

I have managed to repair this by removing the handwheel and conical nut and also the small aliminum chip gaurd from there i was able to push the table back as it was no longer connected to the leadscrew, and there is was the screws on the bush were loose so re-tightened them with some loctite and a spring washer, then had to mill out a bit of the bottom of the chip gaurd

I put everything back together and adjusted the cone nut as you guys have suggested and it a great deal better so hopefully be able to starting to use it soon

The next thing i was maybe going to look at would be how to make the central column a bit stiffer, i have a bit of vibration was thinking of clamping it back to the wall?

09/12/2015 11:05:31

Managed to upload a phot into an album hope this helps


09/12/2015 11:01:49

Hi again guys

Brian i have some pictures and a little video which shows i think the problem can i email it to you?

Last night i was able to sneak into the garage and had another go at looking at the mill

I removed the machine screw which holds the handle on and tried to adjust the cone nut this did remove a bit of slack but made the leadscrew so tight that as sonn as i turned the nadle the machine scre came loose and th handle was turning and not the leadscrew, i had a more detailed view of the bronze guides and it looks as though the amchine screws that hold it to the table ahve come loose these bronze guies are moving until they hit either edges of the casting then the table finally moves please have a look at the photos below i have made a video but i dont know if i can post it

For some reason phots wont upload aggggghhhhhhhhh

08/12/2015 12:33:17

Thank you for all the info guys will have a go at that hopefully tonight thanks brian

I had a very small window of opertunity to have another look last night whilst the misses was out

My machine in particular has a power feed unit within the Y axis 90 degrees to drill) this leadscrew has a small amount of backlash an upon closer inspection it looks as though the lead screw has been extended and there are a few washers either side of the table mounting casting which then appers to be attached to the power feed drive , there seems to be some slack in the washers as i alternate the direction i can see one bunch of washers closing up and another opening, so there may some adjustment to be found there.

In the X direction (parallel with the drill) the lead screw looks as though it operates through two bronze bushes which in turn i think are fixed to the table the backlash appears to be the bronze guides moving along the leadscrew until the are stoped in the machine casting they apper to move a few mm in either direction.

Can i cure the x direction with Brians meathod or do i need to take the table away, i did this once by unbolting the 15mm bolts on the underside of the gibs ??? to my horror is saw a series of brass packers which stayed in placed by the amount of oil there so i quickly put it back before i assume made things worse??

07/12/2015 14:25:57

Hi everyone

Let me say first that I am a complete novice and after a long time gazing and wondering at some of the items you guys have made i have finally managed to secure myself a milling machine and a good lathe

My first question is do you guys know of any courses that i could attend on an evening within the Bristol Area, or are there any guys here who would be willing to give up a bit of free time on a Saturday morning, paid of course to just teach a few basics??? I am Currently in the process of joing BSMEE.

Ive tried reading from books but i do struggle i think i may be more of a hands on type

Second of all the milling machine i have purchased is a Dore Westbury MK2 although it seems to be in good condition there is allot of backlash within the X axis of the machine ( parallel with the drill) i can nearly turn the handle a full 180 degrees before the bed begins to move. Can i remove this easily or if i use a DRO will this matter?

Or am i going to grow out of this machine quite quick is it worth saving the pennies and get something a bit more robust like a Boxford VM30?? (Bridgeport is out of my range and wont fit in the space allocated)

As of yet im not sure what my full intentions are in terms of what i want to make i just want to get started, i would like to get into clocks tractions engines,etc even make the odd item for my kit car

As i have stated before I am a complete novice Im not even sure if ive installed it all correctly???

Any advice you guys can give will be great


Thread: Harrison lathe oils
16/11/2015 15:35:12

Hi everyone

I have lucky enough recently to become an owner of a Harrison M250 Lathe i also have the maual in which describes the oil to use

Medium= shell Tellus 68, mobil DTE heavy medium etc

Heavy= shell Vitrea 220, mobil DTE Extra Heavy etc

Ive tried numerous searches but am having no luck and i think these are dicountinued lines does anybody know what equivilants i can use???



Thread: mk2 dore westbury
21/04/2015 14:04:41

Hi everyone

i am the new owner of a mk2 dore westbury milling machin i purchased it from someone who also had a myford lathe, the lathe was sold sepertely

Ive been given a whole host of bits and pieces for the milling machine however im not sure what some of the items are for and if i have been given them by mistake, perhaps should be with lathe or there may be tooling with the lathe thats suited for the mill

so does anyone know if there was ever an accesories list for this machine or maybe some pictures that i can try and identify the items??? I can take some photos tonight and post them

i just want to make sure me an the owner of the myford have all the correct bits

Thread: allchin royal chester
20/04/2015 12:32:55


im getting a hat also smiley

20/04/2015 09:53:24

Hi JasonB

thanks for the reply, i suppose what i am currantly after is the joy of building it, the scale at the moment is convinient as at literally have hardly any room in my garage for anything much larger i want to build bigger but i first need to get a bigger place this kit my satisfy my hunger (i actually get depressed if im not making something every now and then)to start modelling for now

my son is 2 years old and is obssed with steam trains and cars etc and i would really like him to grow up with all this engineering around him, so that if that was an area he liked we could do some things together

so would this little engine be able to pull a small cart with a medium sized bloke on it when i say medium i mean 12-13 stone ish maybe a bit more by the time i build it? running on a good surface of course was thinking it probabaly wouldnt???


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