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Member postings for Bob Mc

Here is a list of all the postings Bob Mc has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Scalped on my doorstep - it left an unpleasant taste in my mouth.
06/06/2021 10:06:16

I looked at the 'earnings' of CEO's of some famous charities and complained some months ago about the CEO of Save the Children fund who was reputed to be earing ~£230,000 pa..I was told that this was necessary to attract the right kind of person for that position.

Here are some interesting facts taken from a well known newspaper in 2019.

Marie Stopes family planning 2017, CEO earning £434,000

RSPCA highest earner (unknown) £229,999 (2018) with CEO £150,000

(2018)WWF un-named member of staff given £60,000 MORE than the CEO and advertising increase from £700,000 to £13million.

(2019) Macmillan CEO ~ £185,000

I could go on....perhaps it was a mistake to go into engineering.

Thread: Oofle Dust
03/05/2021 16:04:29

Thanks Tom....

I knew I was right with OOFLE... I will change the labels back when I get some more white tape. I don't know why I get bullied into doing things like this on such an important issue.... I can't thank you enough Tom.


03/05/2021 14:35:01

Its raining... I can't do the garden...theyt chucked me out of work because I'm too old...I can't stand watching the telly.. I've read all my emails and don't need to buy anything...I daren't stay in the house as SWMBO will find me some decorating to the only place to create a bit of interest and have a bit of peace is in the workshop.

I decided to clean up, first item is the bandsaw, I often use the dust mixed with PVA to fill in any holes in wood which is a well known trick of woodworkers. I keep different colours of wood in separate jars so it is ready and waiting for when needed and on marking my glass jars with the material it seemed to me to a good idea to create a name for the stuff, hence OOFLE DUST.. oldies like me will remember where this came from...youngies will have to scratch their heads!

In the past I have used other types of Oofle dust, ie brass, which mixed with epoxy makes a very strong filler, and used for blueing, and of course there are metal filings which I have not used as yet.

Being a grandad, I have to be the font of all knowledge and entertaining...of course my grandson, the oldest likes to see what goes on in the workshop and he can read .... he wanted to know what was in those jars? ... oofle dust I! you have spelled it incorrectly! it should be OOFAL dust.....Ok,Ok... I give in...and had to change all the labels....oh well its better than working!


Thread: Pond filter with UV lamp
01/05/2021 09:54:17

Thanks Jason... good advice as usual, I meant... change it to an LED one...

Dave, you are most likely right about cost coming down, I too remember they were, to my mind at the time an absolute marvell especially when you had been previously dealing with small filament bulbs which must have been ~100 times less efficient , I couldn't understand why they didn't make front page news!

I don't recall when they first appeared but as you say it was probably early 70's ... and now look at what we have in the semiconductor display arena, along with computer storage which I understand still follows 'Moores Law' .

In the late 70's I remember going to Honeywell for an interview as a computer engineer, didn't get the job but they did tell me that they had solid state storage of 1GB....! I nearly fell off the chair! I did have a small computer .. it had a RAM of 1k... I remember it took me a few hours to get it to draw a circle and then I got a program on cassette with which you could play a tennis game.... and I think it made a 'plop' noise as the bat hit the ball... it was marvellous!

Ah well... must'nt reminisce too much I never get this posted! rgds..Bob..

30/04/2021 17:46:29

Thats fantastic Robert..!

this is the information I needed, so it seems that I won't be replacing the tube I have anytime soon.

I have got an inverter to power it but will leave it connected up as it is... thanks again for this... it just

goes to show that there are people on this forum who are 'dark horses' with exceptional knowledge.

nb..Dave, I looked at the one on Amazon and that one is 220v working so there would be no benefit.

thanks again rgds...Bob..

30/04/2021 16:00:04


thanks to all for your inputs, it seems I am asking for something at the edge of technology, will be having a look at what Dave found on Amazon..

thanks again...Bob..

30/04/2021 13:53:09

Thanks all for your quick!!

Steve thanks for reply... perhaps my wording was a little bit I am not saying you can get UV LED lamps for algae control....this is what I am looking for!

And if Jason hasn't heard of it ... its not looking as if they exist! Nigel is probably right that it needs some research, bacterial growth and things of a biological nature is the area I'm not that conversant with.. will have to ask at the fish shop...


30/04/2021 12:58:59

Hi All, Tea Room again!

Replacing a fluorescent type UV tube with an LED.

The problem/s. ... I fitted an 80W solar panel on my shed roof to power a small 12v DC pond pump, it works great using the battery regulator supplied with the panel, however the ultra violet lamp used in the filter housing is 230v AC and I have rigged up a circuit (relay) to switch on the UV lamp only when the pond pump is being fed with power and water is then flowing over the UV lamp.

This also works a treat but it would be more efficient to use an LED UV light, (I assume), this would give me a completely free pumping and filtration setup using the solar panel.

The problem is that I don't know if the UV LED striplights have the same effect as the glass tube type lamps and there does not seem to be much information about these lamps, I have seen some led UV lamps for aquariums but these appear to be for growing plant conditions.

If anyone could give me advice about this it would be very much appreciated.


30/04/2021 12:40:02

Thanks Peter,

yes I do agree with the fact that the website is more convienient than having to look all over the place for records, however my main complaint was about cancelling subscriptions, I too like yourself had cancelled once before, using exactly the same procedure as I did the last time, there should have been no dispute.

I did state that the company has a .com url, and you are correct in saying that it should be , it was peculiar that the lady who I spoke to had quite a pronounced American accent even though I selected the uk helpline on the web page.


30/04/2021 11:37:08

Thanks Philip... will have a look.

30/04/2021 08:04:27

Thanks to all for replies,

it is a good idea as ChrisH says to cancel any payments when terminating the subscription, I just wonder how many people are caught up in this scam.

I agree with John (modeng2000) there are other free sites which in my opinion give just as much information as paid sites, I have learn't my lesson with this one, I am indebted to TrustPilot for giving me an edge in the ensuing confrontation with hard faced 'helpline' staff....(I have no connection with TP) although some 100% reviews are a bit suspicious.

My other axe to grind is with Virgin Media who seem to treat customers as a commodity...but I will leave that for now in case my blood pressure goes off the scale....!


29/04/2021 12:25:57

Hi All.... hope this is ok for the Tea Room..

I don't normaly get very annoyed but I was really miffed about ending my subscription with this company.

I paid a months subscription and cancelled the subscription a few days after I had looked for information, well within the imposed time limit.

I recieved on the webpage a cancellation advice note and a plea to think about what I would be missing out on, however I was not impressed with the sneaky way that relevant information is witheld unless further payments are made.

I would have thought that was it.... I didn't use the website again and forgot about it, to my surprise on my bank statement I noticed that the subscription had been taken again a month later!

I telephoned the customer helpline only to be told that I had not cancelled the subscription properly and should have noted the cancellation number and other details, also that it is company policy not to re-imburse any payments..... after a somewhat irate conversation I managed to secure a repayment.

If anyone uses Ancestry, be very carefull when cancelling your subscription, they hold all the cards and after looking at the reports on Trust Pilot it appears that others have had similar or worse problems.


Thread: What to do when you lose something
22/04/2021 15:33:21


If ever the gremlins steal something and hide it, the first thing to do is give the workshop a good tidy up...they don't like that and will put it in the place where it should have been in the first place.


Thread: Digital back issues
04/04/2021 20:39:20

...Thanks Jason... you are a star..!!

rgds Bob. (James)... its a Scottish thing..

04/04/2021 19:35:18

Thanks Jason....

I have done exactly what you said and the page to enter the subscriber numbers came up as you have shown above..........

the numbers are entered and the page 'saved'..

but there is still no access to the magazines, as I said previously, on clicking 'magazines' ... the next message states that I need to enter my subscriber numbers in my "menber profile" which is another page and does not have boxes for subscriber numbers.

Thanks again for your help.. rgds.Bob.

04/04/2021 18:28:31

I have subscribed to ME and MEW, but can't access the magazines as per Jasons instructions above.

The message I get is "this is subscriber content only..and I need to register my subscription number in my member profile" .... so I go to my member profile.. but there is no place to input my subscriber number ...!

If I log into Pocketmags I can access some magazines but not any of the previous subscription year.

What am I missing out ? would be gratefull for any help.


Thread: Digital Callipers - again
24/02/2021 16:41:27

Hi Gary...

I had a very similar problem with the stainless steel calipers I bought with the logo 'Max Measure' probably Chinese, very often the reading would re-set to around 5.07mm for some reason when being adjusted.

I took it apart and gave it a good cleanup, but no improvement.

.... I changed the batteries a few times with no effect,

I thought they may have got damp so I left them on a radiator for an hour or so...but still the same.. so I thought to try another battery but I didn't have the right one which should hav e been an LR43 but I only had an LR44 which is a bit thicker but it fitted in, and is now ok, and 3 weeks on it is still ok.

Perhaps the LR44's are a higher voltage?

Thread: Coffee machine project
02/02/2021 17:23:54

Hi Ian...

I don't know about filling a coffee machine water tank but I was contemplating filling the toilet cistern from an outside rainwater tank, there are some 'off grid' people who have already done this sort of thing but you will have to look for them on the intnet...

I think it would be quite easy to fit a level indicator and an inlet valve system, perhaps an overflow for if it all goes to pot... or an alarm.


Thread: Telescope Mount: DIY Azimuth Bearing Suggestions?
18/01/2021 09:24:33

Hi Dr GMJN....

This may be helpful,

seems that after some experimentation that kitchen laminate was a good candidate.

I have made a vertical azimuth telescope bearing using the material that my wife has for doing oven cooked chips, I don't know the name of it but its a golden cloth type material, in my application it slides on a metal shaft however you can't glue it so it would have to be held in place at the edges for a Dob.


Thread: Wood boat hull
22/11/2020 15:49:16

Hi Bob...

I am making a model boat at the moment, this is 'Ravenna' and plans are from a well known supplier, disclaimer,

I didn't plan to make a boat but was in the process of changing a wooden slatted venetian blind when it ocurred to me that the wooden slats could be used for something.

The 'slats' are I believe Maple and I managed to bend most of them to shape using plenty of clamps.

'Planks' are butted up with plenty of good quality waterproof glue, small gaps filled in with expanding glue and when finished soaked in thinned paint then 4 coats of paint,...still not finished this ... but it looks ok having never had a go at a model boat before.

The cabin is now buit up and am making window frame inserts using brass 22mm compression olives which are elongated over a mandrel and silver soldered.

I don't know if this is the right way to go about it but I'm not one for convention...

Good luck Bob..



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